View Full Version : RIP Neil Street - 1931 - 2011

06-10-2011, 04:57 PM
http://www.streetfighters.com.au/images/Neil Street.jpg

Some of you may or may not know Neil Street, but I can tell you he was a very kind hearted man and a legend of Speedway riding. He was also the father-in-law of Phill Crump and grandfather of Jason Crump who both owe their skills to him. He lived and breathed motorcycles and was one of the strongest willed guys I ever met. Search his name on Google and you will see what he acheived in his days. Anyone who rides motorcycles knows he was a kinsman to us all. He was also my partner's grandfather and we spent the last few days with him. He passed away this morning around 4am.

He had a great and colourful life, but there's no denying, we've lost a true Aussie hero.

06-10-2011, 05:04 PM
very sad to here of his passing Si condollences to all the family

06-10-2011, 05:16 PM
Rip and condolences to all concerned

06-10-2011, 06:19 PM
He didn't just exist; he lived.

Thoughts and condolences to all.

06-10-2011, 10:51 PM
Condolances mate to you and yours

those corners will never end where he is now


06-10-2011, 11:36 PM
Googled images ...smiling in every photo..RIP

07-10-2011, 04:49 AM
Condolances to you and the fam mate.

07-10-2011, 08:52 AM
Condolences to you and all the family

07-10-2011, 09:01 AM
Vale Streety, or Bill as many knew him.

I know that i am not alone in the Aussie speedway community of riders and ex riders when i say that we have lost a true Icon of motorcycle sport.

Streety was an engineering and riding legend, and as intelligent man as you could ever meet. he was also very generous with his time and advice, but did not suffer fools. he helped me and many many other Aussies who journeyed over to Pomland over the years and opened his home and his workshop in Silverton to those who showed the true spirit of the cinder track. His family put up with a steady stream of international riders passing through the place every day during the racing season, and i recall a very young Jason Crump entertaining himself in Bill's workshop, while wearing one of Phill's Australia body colours which was huge on him.

Bill took me in and helped set me up for a season on the UK circuit, often traveling with me and making introductions to team coaches and promoters, and helping to get me 'signed'. Nothing was ever asked by him outside the normal parts and engine work costs and in return he always had a bed whenever he was in the area where i lived, though he also had plenty of other offers from those he had helped along the way. he also introduced my to the likes of speedway legends like Reider Eide, and 'Shnoz', Jack Geran who along with Bill were from a magical era of the track that is not a part of history. To hang out and have a beer and talk shop with these guys was amazing. To be with streetie opend doors and socializing with Briggo, Ivan Mauger, the Collins boys and many other legends was a part of the trip when in his company. His lost his wife Mary some years ago, but this did not slow down this dynamo of a man.

I still have my 'Streetie', an 84S mark III, in the shed though it is many years since Bill built it for me, he did another at the same time for one of the Flood boys, and man, did that engine rev for a stroker. Floodie changed to a works Jawa and my sweetest race win ever was to beat him on my Streetie.

Deepest sympathy to Carole, Boofer and Graham, as well as to Crumpy and Jason who must be feeling the loss deeply.

Farewell Bill, you will be missed, but all my memories of you are of the best times on two wheels that i ever had.


07-10-2011, 02:14 PM
Will we be seeing you next Friday Dave?

07-10-2011, 02:26 PM
I cannot find details of memorial/funeral service on the interweb.

please let me know time and venue


ps how you know me dave?!? could have been any of hundreds he helped along the way.


07-10-2011, 02:32 PM
The venue is almost confirmed, and the time will be 2pm next Friday. Email me directly : webmaster at streetfighters.com.au and I'll give you the full details as and when I get confirmation from Carol.

As for your name; I run this forum so I can access email addreses if I need to. A little bit of research lead me to your name from that. I don't usual do things like this, but I thought you'd appreciate paying your respects.

Phil is coming over as well. It will be a big event - but you already knew that...

07-10-2011, 06:58 PM
Condolences to the family and you Si.

08-10-2011, 06:14 PM
If that is the same Si that I knew from Olympic park years ago I have no doubt thatI will see you on Friday, and a few others to boot.

08-10-2011, 08:17 PM
There will be a pint and a track waiting for you Neil. RIP

rock hard
08-10-2011, 09:22 PM
Hey Lads,very sorry to hear of neil's passing..his DNA is in his lads and the family who loved him...ride on mate sideways and full throttle...man he lived life to the full should be an inspiration to us all...

15-10-2011, 05:54 PM
It was a sad day for the family but an amazing opportunity to catch up with so many of those who knew Streety. To Andy, Graham and Carol, it was fantastic to see you all again and to say that it was thanks to Bill that I, and many others, had the opportunity to meet and get to know this wonderful family.

Bill, you will be missed and Speedway is the poorer for your passing, but thank you so much for the colossal effort that you put into the sport and the unstinting help you gave to so many.

To see the many riders and ex-riders at Vista ct after was a testament to the esteem in which Streety was held. It is not right to name any, as the day was for the Streets to mourn and honor this family icon, brother, father, grandfather and friend.

To me what summed the day up was a small floral tribute, placed inconspicuously, in the Streety style, on an upturned 20litre oil drum in fact, near the back stairs, it was from Ivan Mauger an, not necessarily Bill's best mate, but a true champion who acknowledged to contribution that Bill gave to speedway and the significance of his passing. The world is a little less special this day, but as Bill would say, 'just get on with it , you whacker, don't look back, just look ahead,"

RIP Bill. It was an honor to have known you and a privilege to have broken bread with you.


It was nice to meet you Si, all power to your arm,

16-10-2011, 07:15 PM
Condolences and Respect

17-10-2011, 02:35 PM
Good to meet you too Dave.
The wake went on well into the night.
It was good for so many of those riders to catch up again (racers from the 50's right up to today's current crop), Bill would have been happy.
Cheers to you and all those that drove out from Mildura and Sydney and then headed back, that was a big effort.