View Full Version : OMFG would you look at the size of those norks!!!

13-08-2011, 11:16 AM

That got your attention? Hello...down here. :D

Right. Mondays suck. So best way to end the suckiest day in the week is to mosh into Tuesday. My show starts this Monday (15th) 10pm til midnight.

Also, as Kris is on holiday for 2 weeks, I shall be covering his streetfighter show for the next two weeks, which is sponsored by Streetfighters Mag. Pressure much? hahahaha* bring it!

There is a studio phone number - please use it to call me. There's also a contact form via the website - can be used for requests.

My show will be about biker birds, pagan bikers, rats and all the hooligan things I love, of which there are many. Fighter show will be about fighters, stunting and all things modded.

So Monday 10pm - be there or else! GMT
I have my own facebook page - AwesomeNoz - BIKERfm and on myspazz too (same name).

p.s I know you have a time difference but I'd love to give you lot a proper shout out, so if you can, send a request in via the form on the site. Gonna try and find a way to 'listen again'.

16-08-2011, 09:39 AM
195 hits and no comments??? thanks to Rock Hard for tuning in - have a great Tuesday =o)

16-08-2011, 10:09 AM
Hey Noz, break it down for us monkeys....

If I'm right the time difference is 9 hours yea (EST)? So to tune in on your Monday 10pm show we need to listen in at 7am on Tuesday morning?

So 7am Tuesday mornings click here: http://www.bikerfm.co.uk/

Just logged in now and got an earful of "Run to the Hills" by Maiden, liking it so far!

The contact studio button doesn't work. How else could we contact you on your show?

rock hard
16-08-2011, 10:29 AM
Hey Noz,i even dedicated my first wheelie of the day to you.have a good nite/day yourself

16-08-2011, 10:49 AM
Ahhh Shit I didn't even notice there was writing under your norks NayNay..

16-08-2011, 06:16 PM
hey Noz
only just noticed your post and have add the raido station to the favorite's
unfortunatly at 7.00am i'm already been at work for about 2hr's so tuning in to your show over the next 2 week's is
unfortunatly again not a option.
any way i can tell you will rock the time slot...

by the way nice pic to .... now laminated on the wall of the shed...(love real street fighter chicks)

16-08-2011, 07:50 PM
hahahaha bless ya. Gave ASF a few shout outs. Totally get the difficulties with the time difference. I need to find somewhere to host the show mp3 free - 2 hours long - any ideas? There are only dj's on GMT 6pm-midnight Sunday to Friday, otherwise it's Ron the automated dj who plays some dodgy tunes lol. I'm doing the streetfighter show for the next two fridays GMT 6-8pm which is even more silly o'clock in Oz. If you have a smart phone and flashplayer 10.3 you can tune in via your mobile www.bikerfm.co.uk/mobile there will be an app for it soon.

I totally bricked it last night, started smoking again and I gave up (ciggies) in October. Sailor Jerrys saved the day hahahaha hopefully show 2 will be more chilled out and I won't fall over my tongue too much. There are listeners all over the globe, so if you've got any events you want plugging, lemme know.

Tony Nitrous
16-08-2011, 08:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by NoZ

it's Ron the automated dj who plays some dodgy tunes lol.

Had it playing in the background all evening.
No wonder you've got f@ckin' riots !

16-08-2011, 10:05 PM
love britsh slang... wtf

16-08-2011, 10:27 PM
love Ozzy slang... played some Kevin Bloody Wilson

rock hard
23-08-2011, 11:00 AM
Hey Noz, i had a laugh when you played the Kevin Bloody Wilson track..LMFAO..