View Full Version : Electric Race bike

12-07-2011, 06:44 AM
Hi all, I recently competed at the FX nationals at Eastern Creek on my 96 GSXR750 T. The first official round of the Electric Motorcycle format was held.
I am interested in putting together an electric bike to enter later in the year. Am keen to put together a group of interested people to help with the project. I can supply the basic bike but have very limited knowledge of the technical side of how to build the rest. If you think you can help drop me a line. Mick

12-07-2011, 08:15 AM
Im sure Redmohawk will be around to fill u in soon! He was lookin into building an electric bike a little while back...

12-07-2011, 08:35 AM
Get heaps of batteries a good elec motor and an on/off switch, a tea spoon of concrete to hard up and just hang on.:D

12-07-2011, 04:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by latheboy

Get heaps of batteries a good elec motor and an on/off switch, a tea spoon of concrete to hard up and just hang on.:D

Thats the brightest idea I heard in a while :D

12-07-2011, 05:28 PM
Check out http://www.aeva.asn.au/

Especially their forums.

Those guys know more about electric vehicles than is healthy.

12-07-2011, 06:56 PM
Balls brains and ideas are great but if you want to go fast for any longer than about 1 min your looking at some serious cash, you want at least 40 kw of motor (pair of 20kw units is the cheapest bang for your buck) then some serious batterys A123 cells are the only way to fly on a bike (energy density, capable of very high distcharge rates, 2000 cyles before dead, size, weight, ability to make packs fit inside bike etc) and a motor controller that wont weld itself into a pool of molten slag. All up your looking at about $20K for your running gear on the cheap, then all you need to do is strap it all in and keep another $20k spare for bits you still melt.

There are cheaper options but your talking some real brain bashing back yard electrics, or back of the pack being lapped on your second pass sort of performance that might finish a race. Happy to help if your serious, but be aware its a great way to spend cash.

12-07-2011, 06:59 PM
Sounds like a bitchin way to blow 40k though.....

12-07-2011, 07:25 PM
mission motorcycles


12-07-2011, 08:00 PM
Hi all just home from work, I was thinking of running a CBR600RR or 1000RR as a base. I guess that the 40k mentioned is a bit more that I had anticipated but if that will give us a competitive bike it would be a good base to start to get some development for the next stage. I know from experience getting corporate help with finances is sometimes hard but not impossible and if we had some success with this project its much easier to bring in some dollars and technical expertise. Email me if you wish to discuss.

12-07-2011, 08:45 PM
I saw a dude on an electric pocket bike with a golf buggy motor and that fuckin smoked!

13-07-2011, 10:08 PM
Seen a few guys trying various motors and batteries at the salt lakes
most let the smoke out early ... a serious attempt from one lot of Aussies, and 3 in the US , mission,Airtec,And one Paul Thede the Racetec suspension guy rides (not sure if they were all US based though) As Red said, the motor controller is the key esp for the landspeed guys throw too much at it too early and it don't last long
tram motors seem popular, and $$$$$$$$$ of batterys, 400 volts seems to get mentioned a lot??? is that what the tram motors run ??

13-07-2011, 10:43 PM
This guys abit of an electric fanatic.
All the electric talk starts from page 17 onwards.

14-07-2011, 10:04 AM
Sounds like a bunch of tree hugging greenie, hippy bullshit to me, what's wrong with petrol???

14-07-2011, 06:41 PM
I much prefer the idea of a small (200 kw) gas turbine.

If your going to be silly and insist on electric motivation and want to do at at the right price (under 20k setup) start looking for a toyota puris gearbox, they have a electric motor that will put out 30kw continuous and you could probably suck alot more out. As its cooling is very limited in the gearbox, once removed from the box and setup with some good cooling an output around 50 kw contiuous would be likley.

The toyota setup is relitivley easy to strip the motor from , and if you get someone with a background in high power brushless 3 phase motor controller design on side, the toyota Prius controller pack (mounted on top of motor under bonnet) has most of the high powered electronic components to build your own controller.

Batterys can be had on the net at greatly reduced prices, if your willing to use LIPO battery tech (and risk a bike that may catch fire while charging , riding , crashing or just sitting there doing fuck all lol) Though unlikey now days, perhaps if you go this route a pack that is very easy to remove very quickly from the bike. Distcharge rates of over 50C are possable now days so huge power outputs are no issue for the batterys.

Total Power is calculated by volts times current, using a high voltage (most start at 244 volts DC and go up) reduces currents needed down to levels less likely to cause issues with electronics and cable runs.

IE a motor drawing 50kw will use about 200 amps at 244 volts but with an efficency of say 85% your only going to get 42.5 kw at the sprocket. Then losses through chain to tyre will drop this to around 35kw.

15-07-2011, 09:01 PM
Weirdest thing about the electric bikes at the salt is they need a noise maker to not have people walking in front of them as they ride through the pits

While i love the gas turbine idea, (have one in the pipeline) i realy think there is a lot of potential in an electric bike and hope you get good info and can build something special

15-07-2011, 10:47 PM
Not sure if it will be much help, but at I.O.M this year they had an electric bike class, couple of them from the island and america i think. Have a search for MotoCzysz
Quickest one was over a 99mph lap.
Could be worth chasing up a bit.

16-07-2011, 05:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by Redmohawk

I much prefer the idea of a small (200 kw) gas turbine.

If your going to be silly and insist on electric motivation and want to do at at the right price (under 20k setup) start looking for a toyota puris gearbox, they have a electric motor that will put out 30kw continuous and you could probably suck alot more out. As its cooling is very limited in the gearbox, once removed from the box and setup with some good cooling an output around 50 kw contiuous would be likley.

The toyota setup is relitivley easy to strip the motor from , and if you get someone with a background in high power brushless 3 phase motor controller design on side, the toyota Prius controller pack (mounted on top of motor under bonnet) has most of the high powered electronic components to build your own controller.

Batterys can be had on the net at greatly reduced prices, if your willing to use LIPO battery tech (and risk a bike that may catch fire while charging , riding , crashing or just sitting there doing fuck all lol) Though unlikey now days, perhaps if you go this route a pack that is very easy to remove very quickly from the bike. Distcharge rates of over 50C are possable now days so huge power outputs are no issue for the batterys.

Total Power is calculated by volts times current, using a high voltage (most start at 244 volts DC and go up) reduces currents needed down to levels less likely to cause issues with electronics and cable runs.

IE a motor drawing 50kw will use about 200 amps at 244 volts but with an efficency of say 85% your only going to get 42.5 kw at the sprocket. Then losses through chain to tyre will drop this to around 35kw.

any pics of how prius g box looks like mate?
i like the idea of electric bike either fuck oil sheikhs

18-07-2011, 06:05 PM
Surt google will find you a photo of the internals of the prius gearbox.

The motor is relitivly easy to extract and setup by its self , technically there are 2 motors in it (one drive, the other is a generator conected to the motor). Your looking at about $2000 Aus for a prius box from the wreckers but if you can get a hold of an importer ex japan that will bring in a half cut youd prob get the whole front end for the same coin. Strip the gearbox and drive circutry and sell the motor etc you might get most of your cash back.

Booster there is a few 1500 hp turbo shaft motors laying about at work atm but there a little on the large side for a bike even with the 8 ton gearbox removed.

19-07-2011, 02:15 AM
i did google but found nix mate! awesome link to eR1 build tho controller stuff is greek to me gotta sort it out gradually

ps im not in Oz so far alas!

19-07-2011, 07:52 PM

Try that for a look inside a box mate, first photo is a cut away of box generator and motor second is of controller box insides , third is the box open with motor and gen as you would pull them out for modification.

20-07-2011, 02:32 AM
thanks mohawk when i googled 'prius gear box' i found nothin worthy to look at then 'prius gear box internals' i found some schemes still no fotos now i've seen the light! lol

26-07-2011, 09:28 PM
Has anyone had a ride on an electric bike, seems like they should have craploads of torque (that's why they use electric in trains and huge earth movies and stuff right?).

27-07-2011, 06:25 PM
With the right (fixed single gear) the acelleration can be unbelevable. An electric motor has peek torque at zero rpm, deminishing to sweet fuck all at its max unloaded rpm.