View Full Version : France.

Tony Nitrous
17-05-2011, 06:16 AM
Not sure if this will interest anyone ?

Its easy to think French law wont effect us,
but its no secret most of out road / traffic / licence system is introduced
to mirror other countrys and have been for many years.
Im not saying this will happen here, but im sure our law makers will be watching it.


TOUGHER road safety measures are being introduced to cut road deaths and are aimed at speeding motorists, drink drivers and motorcyclists.

In all, 18 measures are being introduced. They include:
• A ban on radar detectors
• The end of signs giving advance warning of speedtraps (and the published maps of speedtrap sites)
• Speeding at more than 50kph above the limit is punishable with jail
• Motorcycle and scooter riders must wear reflective or high-visibility jackets
• Two-wheeler numberplates to be made larger.

The measures follow four months of increasing numbers of deaths on the roads with 331 dead in January (up from 273 in 2010), 273 in February (254), 308 in March (300) and 355 in April (296).

Radar detectors will be banned with importers and manufacturers facing up to two years in prison and a €30,000 fine while anyone with such equipment in a vehicle will face a class 5 contravention and is liable to a €1,500 fine and the loss of six points.

Warning signs for radars – which at present are fitted within 400m of older radars and up to 2km from new installations – will be taken down and drivers will not be alerted to the presence of speed traps. Maps publicising the placement of radars and speed controls will no longer be published. Plans have already been announced for an extra 1,000 speed camera sites across France.

Users of two-wheeler of more than 125cc face having to wear jackets with reflective bands or high-visibility jackets to make them easier to see if they fall off their machines. Non-use will mean the loss of two points from the licence

Motorcycle numberplates will be made larger so they can be traced more easily for speed offences. New plates will be 275x200 mm and will be fitted to new or newly-registered vehicles. Any numberplate that does not conform to regulations (car or motorcycle) will face a €135 fine.

17-05-2011, 08:59 AM
Terrible food, hairy arm pits, dreadfull films, unfathomably long bread and now this.. will they stop at nothing?

17-05-2011, 11:36 AM
Don't forget frogs legs

17-05-2011, 11:42 AM
Dont forget all the blacks & gypo's!

17-05-2011, 12:19 PM
cheese eating surrender monkeys, have they ever won a war?

oh and shitful cars

17-05-2011, 03:09 PM
I have never been a particularly fond advocate of unions but the only way to silence thes imbeciles is if EVERYONE!!!! (In Union)worldwide stops using their car, bike or WHY for as long as it takes to make them appreciate where the power is..!!

Everybody stand at the bus and train stations taxi ranks what have you and demand a traffic system that works for us, the people and not them the bean counters.

Design the roads so that we can operate the machinery that is leap years ahead of Traffic (mis)Management Engineers and designers of current transport systems and roads.

imagine the turmoil!!!

HAhAHAHAHAHA Anarchy you bastards!!!!!

17-05-2011, 07:11 PM
• A ban on radar detectors (already here)
• The end of signs giving advance warning of speedtraps (and the published maps of speedtrap sites) (none in vic for years)
• Speeding at more than 50kph above the limit is punishable with jail (already in vic at courts descression)
• Motorcycle and scooter riders must wear reflective or high-visibility jackets (have seen some that look ok but would prob just run the gaultlet or make my own)
• Two-wheeler numberplates to be made larger. (doubt they would bother as cops seem to be fine pinging us now)

Basicly here in vic who cares is about the same as usual. If you want anarchy (all of us 100% of the states motorbike riders) take 5 days sick leave on the same day/month/year , and the following Monday tell the media what you want.

17-05-2011, 09:05 PM
I blame Jules. Dirty little frenchy's fault;)

17-05-2011, 09:53 PM
Damn dirty euro