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View Full Version : Japs have met their karma

12-03-2011, 03:55 AM
its finally happened just like ray barrett said


ps in heavens burning movie - for those that might be a tad behind lol

12-03-2011, 05:59 AM
orh wot tha fork was dat??

12-03-2011, 06:39 AM
kunt u read mate?! no more sushi bikes!

12-03-2011, 08:29 AM
I have a relitive in Yokosuka, no communication as of yet.

12-03-2011, 09:42 AM
puts it all in perspective dont it !!!
one day its all good then turns to shit!!!

12-03-2011, 09:48 AM

12-03-2011, 11:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by Redmohawk

I have a relitive in Yokosuka, no communication as of yet.

Yeah i've got friends there too, heard from a few but a few are missing. 1 was visiting Sendai and noone has heard from him.

12-03-2011, 11:52 AM
My brother stopped over in Japan yesterday whilst waiting for a connecting flight to Nepal..... i think. We havent heard from him yet.

12-03-2011, 01:28 PM
Well all ok for my family just found out, but is bad very bad stuff on news is just the tip she sez.

12-03-2011, 01:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by Mishdog20

My brother stopped over in Japan yesterday whilst waiting for a connecting flight to Nepal..... i think. We havent heard from him yet.

If he was stopping over (and staying in) Narita or Kansai airport, everyone there is apparently ok, just hard to get phone or internet connection.

12-03-2011, 04:55 PM
Ah yep, cheers for that mate. weve still got no word, but hopefully he surfaces soon enuf.

12-03-2011, 06:20 PM
We sat watching it on TV yesterday.
It was my little ladies birthday yesterday so we were just chillin.

Three nuclear power plants in trouble, they don`t know if any are in meltdown. It aint over yet.

Very sad situation.

12-03-2011, 06:41 PM

12-03-2011, 06:45 PM
i just was expecting whod mention haarp first lol

12-03-2011, 07:00 PM

12-03-2011, 07:21 PM
Looks like the reactors are getting a bit hot.

I hope the prevailing winds are south westerlies.

Jockney Rebel
12-03-2011, 09:35 PM
hope its east mate the russians are allready irradiated anyway

SCAREY SHIT why cant we just get along ? i mean if there is any intelligent life elsewhere they wont need to invade us just wait till we blow ourselves to fuck they must be falling over themselves laughing this is the global equivalent of shooting ourselves in the foot ffs

13-03-2011, 03:21 AM
24 hours to melt down if they can`t mend it.
Another 3 reactors with problems.

13-03-2011, 03:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by Surt

i just was expecting whod mention haarp first lol

Got your own Ruskie HAARP aint ya ? :)

13-03-2011, 09:45 PM
i betcha but this time it's been the norks' haarp!

Freddy Kruger
14-03-2011, 06:18 PM
one of the reactors went. its a category 5 or something out of 7... which means a simple "watch what you eat" apparently.

14-03-2011, 06:36 PM
If the earthquake happened on shrove tuesday

would it be called Japan Quake Day?

15-03-2011, 03:52 AM
they say all 6 reactors at fukushima can melt down while jap officals r trading bull shit bout safety


15-03-2011, 06:39 PM
Before and After.
Toggle your pointer over the images;)


I think they will be looking at tens of thousands dead or missing eventually.

15-03-2011, 06:55 PM
Pretty sure they already are HOS.

Not trying to start shit here either Surt but under the circumstances the title of this thread comes off a little cunty. Just saying.

15-03-2011, 08:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by -Dex-

Pretty sure they already are HOS.

Not trying to start shit here either Surt but under the circumstances the title of this thread comes off a little cunty. Just saying.

agreed - and if it were actually karma - the tsunami would have went after the whaling ships out in the ocean!
How crazy is the footage of that shit - wave must have been doing about 80k's an hour or something

15-03-2011, 10:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

hope its east mate the russians are allready irradiated anyway

SCAREY SHIT why cant we just get along ? i mean if there is any intelligent life elsewhere they wont need to invade us just wait till we blow ourselves to fuck they must be falling over themselves laughing this is the global equivalent of shooting ourselves in the foot ffs

True that. Unfortunately it looks as though "we're" not going to learn anytime soon.

16-03-2011, 03:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by -Dex-

Pretty sure they already are HOS.

Not trying to start shit here either Surt but under the circumstances the title of this thread comes off a little cunty. Just saying.

thats all tv wars for us mate!
who really gives a shit about what happening in somalia burma or elsewhere if ur routine stays the same
one who does care should go into the deep shit over there
just saying oh my im so sorry aint worth a razoo i guess im just a cynical cunt at least i woudnt make money on others peoples mischief as some individuals and companies do
i was always saying that nuking japs in the end of wwii by yanks was a war crime lacked of strategical or tactical needs and the one and only reason was to frighten soviets

actually i kinda like japs their culture is totally different to european they must have taken it as their karma and if so they all r ready to follow it at least it follows from their literature that i read from movies i watched they r tough stubborn and not understandable to us motherfuckers im sure theyll be alright unless the bloody reactors are blown up then every one on the earth will share their karma

16-03-2011, 03:33 AM
and i just hate officials they r the same fagging breed over the history and countries. i remember chernobyl, they kept sayin nothing to worry about /i even went nearby to the black sea that summer to follow, the sun tan was real fantastic that year, so i take it i have had my dose of radiation lol/ and now its all the same, nothing to worry about minor casualties no radiation etc

16-03-2011, 07:46 AM
quote:Originally posted by Surt

quote:Originally posted by -Dex-

Pretty sure they already are HOS.

Not trying to start shit here either Surt but under the circumstances the title of this thread comes off a little cunty. Just saying.

thats all tv wars for us mate!
who really gives a shit about what happening in somalia burma or elsewhere if ur routine stays the same
one who does care should go into the deep shit over there
just saying oh my im so sorry aint worth a razoo i guess im just a cynical cunt at least i woudnt make money on others peoples mischief as some individuals and companies do
i was always saying that nuking japs in the end of wwii by yanks was a war crime lacked of strategical or tactical needs and the one and only reason was to frighten soviets

actually i kinda like japs their culture is totally different to european they must have taken it as their karma and if so they all r ready to follow it at least it follows from their literature that i read from movies i watched they r tough stubborn and not understandable to us motherfuckers im sure theyll be alright unless the bloody reactors are blown up then every one on the earth will share their karma

war crime? what a load of shit. Those nukes saved lives.

Do you have any idea how many good white folk would have died trying to take the jap islands by conventional means?

Those nukes even saved a million or more jap lives.

Any idea how many chinese the japs had killed in the previous 10 years?

Ever heard about the jap death camps?

Ever heard of Pearl Harbour?

The japs got what they deserved.

16-03-2011, 07:48 AM

16-03-2011, 08:37 AM
sure i heard that and even more say darwin race lol, war in new guinea and south pacific islands, and 2 jap mini subs in the sydney harbour
but the war was already lost by japs by august,45 it was lost not on the islands or sea or air but on the mainland - ever heard of kwantung army?! then read that:


actually i feel ashamed /well not ashamed i just believe that wasnt nice towards japs who had kept their word and hadnt attacked russians when they had had the best chance - in the end of 1941, when germans were near moscow/ for russia /su/ that breached the peacful pact with japs and attacked them after allies' constant requests. i guess another reason was that stalin wanted a piece of far asian pie for himself... and he had it
ok yanks nuked them for ben affleck by burning down 150,000. civilians only in hiroshima
and 40,000.in nagasaki
therefore just 20,000. /or how many/ for rus crowe's dad is nothin! kinda black humour

16-03-2011, 09:04 AM
the war was well and truely lost by the japs,and they were talking of surrending to the US...with the US. a few US officals were hell bent on using the nuke, and placing a fear/dominance on the rest of the world... so they convinced the president that it would good to use the bomb... there was no need for in the war, the war was ending via conventional methods.

they event went as far as to detonate the bomb BEFORE it hit the ground to cause maximum damage.... cunt act if you ask me, as there were thousands apon thousands of civilians who were killed from it.

japs have done bad tings in the past, for sure, but the hiroshima and nagasaki bombs were not needed.

as for whats happening over there now, poor bastards. however the nuclear meltdown is nothing like chenobyl will ever be,not unless the core explodes, which is near imposible, as the reactor design is totally different to chenobyl


16-03-2011, 10:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by crazymofo

the war was well and truely lost by the japs,and they were talking of surrending to the US...with the US. a few US officals were hell bent on using the nuke, and placing a fear/dominance on the rest of the world... so they convinced the president that it would good to use the bomb... there was no need for in the war, the war was ending via conventional methods.

Bullshit. If the japs were that close to surrendering, why didn't they do that after the first nuke? Those little monkey cunts were settling in for a long drawn out battle over their home islands.


And if you had a weapon that you could use on the enemy and it would save tens or hundreds thousands of your own troops why wouldn't you use it?

It would be criminal not to.

quote:they event went as far as to detonate the bomb BEFORE it hit the ground to cause maximum damage.... cunt act if you ask me, as there were thousands apon thousands of civilians who were killed from it.

That's how they're designed to work. If you let them bury into the ground first they don't do as much damage. Why spend billions on a mega bomb just to make a big crater?

If you want to talk civilian deaths, look up "The Rape Of Nanking". The japs got what they deserved.

Also if you want to compare civilian deaths, do some research on the firebombing of Tokyo or Dresden. Everyone was doing it and the germans started it with the blitz on London

quote:japs have done bad tings in the past, for sure, but the hiroshima and nagasaki bombs were not needed.

Your opinion is valued but wrong.

quote:as for whats happening over there now, poor bastards. however the nuclear meltdown is nothing like chenobyl will ever be,not unless the core explodes, which is near imposible, as the reactor design is totally different to chenobyl


16-03-2011, 04:31 PM
The real cunts of WWII was the Catholic Church.
Actually all types of religion have retarded human advancement.

As for the Japs. They seem to be tough little fuckers by western standards.

17-03-2011, 04:21 AM
yup official churches and cults are but whores to their masters

japs r utterly disciplined and loyal folks, they refused to surrender without the emperors order and even received it theyre still kept fightin or committed seppuku coz its in their blood: loyalty honour and duty before everything else as it was bred for ages
thats wat happened in the heavens burning movie the jap bloke had to kill every one to wipe off dishonour not just from himself but from all his kins that ever lived live and will live /the name of a traitor or coward was removed from samurai books they and their family were deprived of all property and got exiled and outlawed throu out japan/
thus japs tradition collides with white mans tradition and every one dies...
and now the white mans magic

17-03-2011, 05:56 AM
It's just been on the radio that the japanese government have asked for
Elton John
George Michael
Graham Norton
to be flown over to japan to help find survivors.........

As they are experts in seeing japs eyes covered in shit.........

17-03-2011, 06:11 AM
wat would their gov need those arse bandits for?!

meanwhile things r going pretty shitty there they say the worst scenario comes true: nuke fuel begin to cake togeher which can result in a nuclear blast

18-03-2011, 03:04 PM
This is how the Japs explain the nuclear problem to the kiddies=


18-03-2011, 04:12 PM
I don't know what causes me the most fear.

The nuclear threat
That explanation
Or where Large goes during the day to find stuff like this

18-03-2011, 05:28 PM
There up to there armpits in shit even if nuclear boy doesn't shit his pants and blow his diper to fuck knows where lol

19-03-2011, 05:32 AM
i just wonder how'd they call the nuking hiroshima and nagasaki
the plane boy was making a huge turd and couldnt of held it so all the japs're in his poos bwahaha!

19-03-2011, 05:43 AM
just remembered an old joke:
a teacher asks her students to compose a sentence with a word 'definitely' little jonny /nah he wasn the little jonny i changed his name/ speaks up 'is there such a thing like a fart with lumps?' 'nope!' then i've just DAFANATELY shitted my pants!