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28-02-2011, 08:15 AM

I've got no problem with them using video cameras, what I have a problem with, is that they can use it as evidence with the cops, to get people booked, when they don't have ANY liability themselves? If I video one of them and going through a red light and cutting ME off as I turn, what happens to him? Nothing of course, because he has no numberplate, no way to tell who he is, no rego, no insurance.

Eg I have a friend who had a cyclist pull out in front of him, caused him to wreck. Spent a week in hospital, motorcycle completely written off. What happened to the cyclist? Nothing, because he took off of course, and had no numberplate or any way for anyone to tell who he was. Friend had to pay for his own bike to get fixed because the cyclists don't have insurance either (even if he had be able to ID him via plates or whatever).

I'm all for pushbikes, they're a good form of local transport, good for the environment, yadda yadda... but if they're going to share main roads, they need rego + insurance, and be liable for their dick moves like tearing through intersections or jumping between footpath and road in traffic.

28-02-2011, 08:58 AM
Pay rego, get a licence, or stay the fuck off the road. Very simple.

Be accountable for your own actions, or fuck off.

When cyclists obtain licences, pay for registration and CTP, and obey the road rules that all other road users are required to adhere to, then they can demand equal rights.

Until then, stick to cycleways.

They should be responsible for their own actions and answerable to the authorities by being licenced and display registration plates on their toys. Maybe then their toys could be defected for not having lights so that other road users stand an even chance of avoiding them as they waver from gutter to lane divider.

When they fall off their toy and sue for their perceived damages, who pays? Not them. That would be the rest of us adults who pay CTP.

Pay up, or shutup.

28-02-2011, 09:14 AM
How do you expect kids to get insurance or licences and pay rego? Or are you suggesting we ban the riding of pushbikes until the age of 18?

28-02-2011, 09:27 AM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

How do you expect kids to get insurance or licences and pay rego? Or are you suggesting we ban the riding of pushbikes until the age of 18?

Not at all, but your kids aren't going to ride a bike down parra rd, george st, etc in peak hour.

I think it's very simple... kids and casual riders are fine to ride their bikes on the footpath (slowly, using a bell, and avoiding pedestrians) like they have for the last 50 years.

If you want to use the roads or go over 20km/h (eg fast enough to do damage to someone/something), you need a form of indicators (or be fined if you don't at least stick your arm out), front & rear lights at night (lots do this already, but lots still don't), need to respect ALL road rules just like a motorcycle or car would (except allow lane splitting when traffic is still), and have rego & insurance (can be a small amount, as long as it covers me if they damage me).

The rules for driving/riding a car/motorcycle on the roads are much more complex than that... if they can't stick to those few rules, don't ride a pushbike.

28-02-2011, 09:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by sen


I've got no problem with them using video cameras, what I have a problem with, is that they can use it as evidence with the cops, to get people booked, when they don't have ANY liability themselves? If I video one of them and going through a red light and cutting ME off as I turn, what happens to him? Nothing of course, because he has no numberplate, no way to tell who he is, no rego, no insurance.

Eg I have a friend who had a cyclist pull out in front of him, caused him to wreck. Spent a week in hospital, motorcycle completely written off. What happened to the cyclist? Nothing, because he took off of course, and had no numberplate or any way for anyone to tell who he was. Friend had to pay for his own bike to get fixed because the cyclists don't have insurance either (even if he had be able to ID him via plates or whatever).

I'm all for pushbikes, they're a good form of local transport, good for the environment, yadda yadda... but if they're going to share main roads, they need rego + insurance, and be liable for their dick moves like tearing through intersections or jumping between footpath and road in traffic.

When i used to ride on the roads i had insurance. Pretty much every member of any cycling club will have insurance as its part of your subs.... I agree they should have rego though to make them more accountable. As with every mode of transport theres some right cunts out there that tarnish the whole, but as usual they are the minority

28-02-2011, 09:30 AM
I never said I had all the answers. I'm talking about the so-called adults who infest Sydney roads in peak traffic periods.

If the road is posted at 60km/h, make them adhere to the rules. In residential areas marked 50km/h, have fun.

28-02-2011, 09:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by little_large

quote:Originally posted by sen


I've got no problem with them using video cameras, what I have a problem with, is that they can use it as evidence with the cops, to get people booked, when they don't have ANY liability themselves? If I video one of them and going through a red light and cutting ME off as I turn, what happens to him? Nothing of course, because he has no numberplate, no way to tell who he is, no rego, no insurance.

Eg I have a friend who had a cyclist pull out in front of him, caused him to wreck. Spent a week in hospital, motorcycle completely written off. What happened to the cyclist? Nothing, because he took off of course, and had no numberplate or any way for anyone to tell who he was. Friend had to pay for his own bike to get fixed because the cyclists don't have insurance either (even if he had be able to ID him via plates or whatever).

I'm all for pushbikes, they're a good form of local transport, good for the environment, yadda yadda... but if they're going to share main roads, they need rego + insurance, and be liable for their dick moves like tearing through intersections or jumping between footpath and road in traffic.

When i used to ride on the roads i had insurance. Pretty much every member of any cycling club will have insurance as its part of your subs.... I agree they should have rego though to make them more accountable. As with every mode of transport theres some right cunts out there that tarnish the whole, but as usual they are the minority

I never knew that, does the insurance cover damage you do to other vehicles/people/etc? Or just for your own bike?

Just curious, cos if it already exists, maybe they could just make it compulsory (and that it covers other people/vehicles when damaged due to your fault), and add an identifiable plate to the back (doesn't have to be a full-sized numberplate, but SOMETHING we can see).

28-02-2011, 10:06 AM
nope it covered me for my bike and damage to other peoples property , ie cars etc

I can guarantee there are plenty out there that arent insured though as they arent members of clubs ect

28-02-2011, 10:31 AM
I got nabbed a while back for riding along the bike lane heading down to Church St along the M4. Fair enough, I'll cop that on the chin. Where I stopped was right at the gateway and sign that clearly tells all cyclists to get off the M4 and hang a left through the gate. A number of cyclists rode straight past and continued along the M4. When I brought this to the attention of the cop booking me, he looked at them and ignored them. Maybe it was all too hard for him to book them. Or my $200 fine was more important than preventing these idiots from placing themselves in danger between Church St and Silverwater Road.

I don't hate cyclists but I strongly believe that they should be responsible for their own actions.

28-02-2011, 11:33 AM
quote:Originally posted by sen

I think it's very simple... kids and casual riders are fine to ride their bikes on the footpath (slowly, using a bell, and avoiding pedestrians) like they have for the last 50 years.

i think you'll find that they made that illegal too a few years back

as far as im aware the rules say you need to ride on the road or designated bike-paths

i think it was jim a while back talking about CTP and that instead of it being with the vehicle it was with the person

so if i have a car, 2 moto's and a pushie
my ctp covers me for using any of those plus driving other peoples cars etc
and you would pay for that as a part of your license renewal fees

it sounds simple, but will never happen unless the governments step in and make it happen (assuming they arent in bed with the insurance companies :()
why would the insurance companies endorse getting just one payment off me instead of 3....

anyways, i have often thought of using my helmet cam everyday for riding or driving to work
i probably should seeing as how it just sits at home

only trouble is if the court every requested to see the whole video of my commute you would get smashed for all the other offenses you commited before the crash [xx(]

28-02-2011, 11:43 AM
fimp, That makes a good point. If a cyclist submits a video of him being cut off someone, and it's evidence, could his ENTIRE video be requested or subpoena'd to see what rules he broke himself on the trip? That'd be a nice way to get payback. ;)

The main reason we'll never see this happen, at least in Sydney, is because Clover Moore thinks she runs some quaint little European city, and wants everything to be cobblestone, car-free plazas, and cycleways. She's quite willing to cause more traffic jams, and spend millions and millions of dollars (paid for by the car-drivers and motorcycle-riders) pandering to a subset of citizens who don't pay rego, insurance, or any other road taxes.

28-02-2011, 12:09 PM

here is his youtube account, there are many illegal things within these vids to comment on.

28-02-2011, 12:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

i think you'll find that they made that illegal too a few years back

as far as im aware the rules say you need to ride on the road or designated bike-paths

Really? It's still legal in QLD to ride on a footpath - you just have to give way to pedestrians on a shared path, or keep to the bike side if it's segregated.

28-02-2011, 02:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by Swordsy


here is his youtube account, there are many illegal things within these vids to comment on.

All comments are now pending approval...

28-02-2011, 05:48 PM
if i can get rid of some fuck off the road whos tried to kill me whilst cycling through legal means, i`ll do it, thats if i can`t settle the issue myself through maimming them for life. I agree cyclist should be held accountable for their actions, and i don`t have a problem with reg if they brought it in. I`ve done dediated cycling for 25yrs,and the amount of stubbies that have been chucked at me(one example of many) at full hurl with them travling at 60-80 k`s. Now, if that hits me in the head...you do the sums,and if i could have caught just one of these persons,i`d be in jail right now. That is intent to kill in my opinion!

01-03-2011, 07:00 AM
Being a professional driver in Sydney I've got to say pushy riders in the city and surrounds are fucked. Since Clover Moore went on her pro cycle bent its compleatly insane. Weaving in and outta traffic, blowing red lights and generally being retards doesnt sit well with me.
Its only a matter of time before one ends up under my trucks wheels because I've had that many close calls. And why do I loose 3 points and get a fine for talking on a phone when some cock on a fixie goes screaming down Oxford St ect doing over 40 and chatting on the phone???
Pay rego and get insurance and they will ride better. At the moment its a joke

01-03-2011, 07:11 AM
soon you wont be able to ride or drive bc of fuckers like this ,hey they already watch us more then we know ,,fuckers

01-03-2011, 03:46 PM
I am really pissed off with another aspect of riding a treadlie in the city...

Slide to the front at a redlight on your toy and then ride across the pedestrian crossing before riding off the footpath and along the road while the rest of us who pay rego and have licences obey the traffic lights.

If we tried that we'd get hung but these fucktards get away with this shit every fucking day.

Fuck them. Make them pay rego, CTP and have a licence or stay off any road signposted 60 or higher.

01-03-2011, 04:56 PM
what you call "toy" is what i call "way of life" but i totally agree,there are some cockheads out there that give a bad rap for the right minde.As for riding in a major city in peek hour, those days are way behind me as to unsafe,and there just isn`t the room to cater for man verse machine,and if you get hit while riding in those conditions,its your own fault. Thank god i don`t live in the big smoke anymore,but hasn`t stopped the fuckheads i want to maim,for throwing stubbies
quote:Originally posted by playswithnitro

I am really pissed off with another aspect of riding a treadlie in the city...

Slide to the front at a redlight on your toy and then ride across the pedestrian crossing before riding off the footpath and along the road while the rest of us who pay rego and have licences obey the traffic lights.

If we tried that we'd get hung but these fucktards get away with this shit every fucking day.

Fuck them. Make them pay rego, CTP and have a licence or stay off any road signposted 60 or higher.

01-03-2011, 05:26 PM
last sunday there were an assload of these fuck tards riding along a 100km zone, almost right on the white line, normally people move over the center line to give them space but fuck those cunts.
I'm not putting my car with my family in it over into the path of oncomming traffic cause two faggots in lycra want to have a chat to eachother about their man bags or what particular brand of water injecting anal douche they find most comfortable after a 4hr ride, and not ride in single file as far off the road as they can. (or some where the fuck else off a busy highway)
I'd rather one of them bouncing up my bonnet at 100k's than a head on with a truck at a combined speed of 200. (well I'd rather NEITHER OF THESE really - so stay maybe move the hell over?)
all this shit about being able to ride pushies on the roads was fine when horses were still fanging along at the same speed and cars had wooden wheels.
cyclists - stop being such dumbasses

01-03-2011, 10:01 PM
thats the other thing,
how can they claim its for "health"

your riding on a highway with heavy machinery flying past
and the whole time your breathing in smog??!?!


01-03-2011, 10:46 PM
All this crying over push bikes..... You cry about push bikes, cars and trucks cry about motorbikes, lane splitting, low visibility, shouldn't be on the road cause they are dangerous...... blah blah blah........ and the bitching goes on and on. If you really gave a shit you would catch a bus or train to work not ride your bike in peak hour....

As for me fuck it, I enjoy my 75km each way up and down the M4 everyday. I see all the retards and try my best not to be one of them.... Too bad I have little self control.... what can I say barkbusters should be called mirror busters .....

Just remember next time you loose your license you'll probably want to ride your un-rego'd push bike to work (hopefully with a little 15hp petrol motor strapped to it). Push for rego on push bikes now to screw yourselves later..

my rants done... now fuck off and ride your moto's....

Neo Dutch
04-03-2011, 06:57 PM
What a bunch of fucking whingers. Concerned about the actions of cyclists? Report the fuckers. Stop sitting on your asses tapping out your fucking wah wah waaaaahhhhhhhs on the web and start demanding that the police start enforcing the laws.

04-03-2011, 09:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by Neo Dutch

What a bunch of fucking whingers. Concerned about the actions of cyclists? Report the fuckers. Stop sitting on your asses tapping out your fucking wah wah waaaaahhhhhhhs on the web and start demanding that the police start enforcing the laws.

Great idea. How would you suggest we identify them?

Neo Dutch
05-03-2011, 08:07 AM
Cameras. They tend to wear the same clothes. They tend to ride the same routes. They tend to stop at the same coffee shops. Use your imagination.

05-03-2011, 11:27 AM
That'd work, if I was looking to do a hit on one.

I'm sure the cops are gonna spend all that time and effort to stop one treadly rider. I really couldn't be bothered.