View Full Version : Transport departments shit me. They really do.

12-02-2011, 06:33 AM
So my bike converted from 2 seats to 1 when and had a roadworthy done almost two months ago. These are the responses from this month's rego efforts:

@ Rosalie - "Did you bring the bike?" NO, but I have all relevant paperwork. Said regardless they needed to inspect. Served by a really cranky woman.

@ Central - "Ok I'll put that through" *Supervisor umms ahhs then says No in the end. Turns out they want to see the bike still. At central freaking transport. Where the hell do I park - anyway.

@ Logan - "Yeah sure". *Supervisor said don't worry about looking at the bike, I've got the certificate so it doesn't matter. Good thing I trailered the freaking bike then :|


Anyway thought I'd share that bit of experience with the ever changing mood of transport department staff.

So yeah bike's registered now, and at the shop for a couple of weeks getting the engine swapped and some shit done, and I'm glad I decided to keep on fightering. Despite having to deal with the abysmal transport dept :P

12-02-2011, 08:20 AM
Qld transport are real pricks to deal with and no consistency between areas, departments or so called engineers. Fuckwits never seem to get any better either. A huge land mass, hardly any people and the worst regs in the world.

Tony Nitrous
12-02-2011, 09:35 AM
I always use Greenslopes or Cleveland.
Never had to take a bike to either one.

I normaly go in looking confused and stressed at the Australian
system and put on a polite Pommie accent and tell the nice ladies
Im struggling and how greatful I am that they are helping me out.

Hasnt failed yet. Everything sails through...:D

Bubble Boy
12-02-2011, 11:42 AM
I use Raymond Terrace, NSW
and I quote:
(as said by one of the nice old ladies behind the counter)

"what the bloody hell were you thinking of going to North Sydney. Those Bitches don't know nothing. Give me the paperwork lovey and I'll run it through for you"

waited half an hour, got a cup of tea served and 30 minutes later handed all my paperwork back in an RTA manilla folder, stapled neatly and approved.

God I love country Australia [8D]

12-02-2011, 11:45 AM
i once tryed to get a 7 day permit,,the women behind the counter looked really confused,,yes car has no rego need to move car to n.s.w how about a unrego permit,,5x times i had to tell her what i needed,qld rego staff dumb as dog shit