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View Full Version : Motor is on the way out apparently. Your thoughts?

28-12-2010, 05:16 PM
Hey all

I've recently bought a bike with the intention to 'fighter it - a ZXR750. It's a 91 with 55xxx kms.

When I had the RWC done I got all the valve shims replaced and cam chain tenshioner checked (was fine) along with the certificate and carb/service work, etc. But there is still a rattle and vibration still coming from somewhere inside the motor.

The mechanics I had it fixed at were of mixed opinion: one said it was going to blow, another said it was fine, then another said it could run forever but has the potential to blow up. Then they tried to sell me a motor they (conveniently?) had at hand. So I don't know what to think. But as tempted as I am to buy the hassle free motor, mine runs really well (150psi on all four) except for the rattle and I'm reluctant to give up on it yet.

That being said I feel like I'm riding some sort of ticking (Pun not intended) time bomb.

I'm wondering if anyone can recommend someone reputable south of Brisbane who can open up the kwaka donk/give me a more solid opinion of whats going on?

I appreciate any help you guys can give me :)


ps I saw the other post on engine builders in Brisbane, but I'm not sure if I should bother them with an engine that might not need to be rebuilt.

28-12-2010, 05:32 PM
Mate i have a ZX9R engine in my ZXR and it has had a small tick ever since i put it in the bike. At first it bothered me but after 15000 odd k/m the tick is still there with no lose of power and no excess oil consumption. so i just moved on but i do keep an eye on it. I also have the original engine out of a 93 ZXR750L with less that 1000km after a top end rebuild on it if your interested

28-12-2010, 05:43 PM
i had an 89 zxr750 ,and it had a vibe init i rode it for years ,,i think i put 23,000 thou on it i just kept up with the oil changes to make sure though

Lewis Moto
28-12-2010, 10:34 PM
They rattle and more so after the valve clearances are opened up.....worry if they dont.
Will run forever. Dont stress.

29-12-2010, 12:28 AM
Wow :D thanks so much for the speedy replies.

I don't think you realise how much more peace of mind you've given me :)

That being said, I'll still be keeping a very close eye on her, and will definitely keep up with the servicing - in fact...I've been accused of over-servicing in the past.

Any excuse to get the fairings off really... :D

Thanks again!

29-12-2010, 08:02 AM
A few of the kwaka clutches get a little rattley after a few K's does the sound change with load/clutch application? Both my kwakas on 750 rattled a little betty has done 60,000 with a clutch that sounds like a dry one lol

31-12-2010, 07:32 AM
Have a look at the tensioner for the alternator drive chain, it can sometimes wear and cause a ticking like noise from that area of the motor, if that's ok then look at the clutch, pull the lever in whilst the motor is running in neutral and listen for the pitch of the noise changing. A lot of Kawasakis have a noisy clutch which diminishes when the lever is pulled in, if it is this then don't worry about it, it's quite usual. check also that all the exhaust header bolts are tight, sometimes a small leak at the head can emit a ticking noise. Failing that take it out for a good run and thrash the living beejeezus out of it, if it doesn't blow then it should be fine.

Disclaimer!! ( all the advice in the reply is taken at the owners own risk, and I cannot be held responsible for anyone taking me seriously unless they're offering credit or applause)

31-12-2010, 03:40 PM
Alright had another good ride and listen today - and it's not the clutch. The klacking is there at neutral idle and varies with revs, not clutch load.

But today the strangest thing - the klacking began cut in and out intermittently today. It doesn't affect the power - the delivery is still smooth enough but it gets really loud now.

I'm going to observe the exhaust pipes in a moments and see if I can feel any escaping exhaust there. I had to replace all the collars recently as they were 80% missing when I got the bike i.e. there were two collars holding of four header pipes. I didn't replace any gaskets or such though - should I have?

31-12-2010, 04:00 PM
Gaskets prob been damaged mate, if your looking for a leak just use some baby powder fluff it in front of headers and you can see any gas escaping. If someone asks what your up to, just tell em your powdering its bits lol

31-12-2010, 04:41 PM
Hmm well I didn't have baby powder (no surprise there lol) so tried flour.
Turns out flour is much heavier, just drops to the floor. The intermittent klacking continues.

I might try loosening an exhaust pipe and seeing what happens. It's definitely coming from around the headers/cylinder jugs somewhere.

31-12-2010, 05:11 PM
thermo fan maybe ??????

31-12-2010, 05:16 PM
Nah it only kicks in when the bikes really hot, so it's not spinning all the time.

31-12-2010, 08:10 PM
Has your bike got all the emmissions pipe work fitted, including the two reed valve blocks on the cam cover? these can also cause a ticking/clicking noise.

31-12-2010, 08:12 PM
?? I don't have anything in those holes. There are just spaces there.

31-12-2010, 08:29 PM
Skinner have you checked the alternater chain or the coupling for wear ?????
Also I would get your carbs balanced , this can cause these sorts of problems.
Just a thought Mate. Oh and Dynomutt aussie models don't have that anti polution stuff on em. I think they left that crap for the Californians :D But i dare say it is more than likely on later models ( Maybe )

80s freak
01-01-2011, 09:45 AM
Emissions stuff bacame law from about '01 in oz. If the Gold Coast isn't to far to go why not go and see the Motorcycle performance and tyre centre in Nerang. I haven't dealt with them but the support this forum so they can't be all bad. Their details as follows:

Taken from ASF Members only dealer offers section.
Ricky and the boys are major supporters of ASF and ASF events and in such will give preferencial treatment and discounts if you mention you are an ASF member.

Contact them today on:

Phone: (07) 5596 1333

03-01-2011, 06:05 PM
quote:If the Gold Coast isn't to far to go why not go and see the Motorcycle performance and tyre centre in Nerang.

I might just do that although... I don't know if I trust the bike anymore though. The klacking is getting louder.

BUT today I removed the headers to check the metal gasket rings. They weren't there. Could this be the source of the rev-related sound I wonder? The headers were on there real tight, and I would think even without gaskets the gas would be sealed. Also I'd like to mention how much I dislike coolant haha god it went everywhere :S haha

I'm not sure where I'll get new exhaust gaskets for a 91' kwaka, but I'm guessing Teammoto kawasaki might be able to hook me up.

If the sound is still there, I think I'll just cough up for a new heart. Safety first I guess.

03-01-2011, 07:24 PM
Definitly need gaskets mate, will make all kinds of funny noises without em. Double check there not wedged in there though some times there harder to see than you'd think. I have never had trouble getting exhaust gaskets for old kwaka's from dealers.

03-01-2011, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't ride it myself until I'd figured it out, but that's just me.
Check ya oil filter/ sump, look for gold, as Booster sez.
The only way a crank gets out of round is if it's dying.
Bearing material in the sump/filter will confirm.
If you want a scary thought, imagine a rod hanging out the front of the cases at 100k's
and then think of the oil under the back tyre.
Gets ugly shortly there-after.

03-01-2011, 08:11 PM
Exactly my thinking. I haven't sat on it since the weekend. Even just running it in the garage freaks me out haha. So yeah might be a trailer job from here until things get sorted out.

You guys have been great by the way. Pretty awesome forum y'all got here ;D

04-01-2011, 11:43 AM
I have an old fireblade and when I bought it there was a ticking sound similar to what you're describing. It got louder sometimes as well. Turned out to be an exhaust gasket leak. It sounded to solid or metalic to be that but thats what it was. Replace the gaskets and re-evaluate.

04-01-2011, 11:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by Skinner

?? I don't have anything in those holes. There are just spaces there.

Have a serious dig around, they'll be in there.

04-01-2011, 11:59 AM
Nothing wrong with caution mate, I had a suzuki 400 4 that had a similar issue rode it to teh GP with my misses on the back didnt miss a beat as usual , on the way home stopped at a servo and fueled up noticed a slight click coming from the front end sounded like exhaust. Sure enough one of the outside exhaust clamps was loose as did up the nut had a quick look at the oil (didnt check it when i left home as it never uses any and was a dayly ride checked often) it was a little low but fine.

Heading down the freeway she was pumping along doing her thing misses on the back freezing her ass off cuddling in tight (I'm having a blast but just cruzing at 110) then all of the sudden the back end is locked up and the misses is tring to push me over the handelbars!

Turned out the little click was a main bearing, happy little click to locked up busted conrod smashed bearing so bad that bottom of conrod hit bottom of engine case and punched a neat hole the same shape as a rod bolt/nut outa the case! No other warning running fine little click on sec locked up at 110 on the freeway the next. Play it safe mate don't ride it sort it first.

04-01-2011, 02:58 PM
pm sent

04-01-2011, 06:13 PM
Well based on all your advice, I'm going to try the exhaust rings before the week is through, until then - no riding!!

Of I found the rings btw. They were almost melted into the head haha but they're coming out this arvo.

Failing that, timbo may have a solution for me :)

06-01-2011, 03:09 PM

New exhaust crush gaskets, radiator fluid and exhaust sealant set me back $100, but after the new fittings were in, the klack is still there, louder than ever :(

So yes I'm a little disappointed that the solution wasn't so easy as I'd hoped. All other things ruled out it's now just a matter of time before I put in a new engine.

Thanks for all through this guys, I'll be back when the new engine is in.


Oh and I will be getting a supply/fit/compliance from the shop I mentioned in my original post.
Turns out they were right on the money so why not from them.

Cheers again everyone!

06-01-2011, 09:37 PM
For me this a dissapointing outcome.

06-01-2011, 09:41 PM
How so rod? Can't say I didn't try!! :P

06-01-2011, 10:29 PM
First thing I'm not dissapointed in you mate, but I 've got a Zx9R and it is noisy and rattly as fuck also, so I hope you are not throwing good money away on a replacement motor. My second concern is you are simply replacing the 750 with another 750, For me it's a shame you couldn'y find a B model 9 motor to put in instead. Mate if you were a personal friend of mine we would have a second and third apinion before doing a heart transplant then we would have the fucker out and seeing if we can fix the problem ourselves maybe with a little help, you know what I mean? I love the Ninja, it is not a perfect bike by far, that is why the ones we choose to fighter are all the little more special. What ever decision you make don't disappear and keep us updated.

06-01-2011, 10:31 PM
opinion not apinion....

07-01-2011, 08:19 AM
Thanks for your concern rod :) Yes it disappoints me too..I'm fine with the 750 motor for the moment though. And yeah I'd like to have done a bit more about it by way of opinions, but at this point in time the best I can do here is have this one swapped.

Whatever the case I think the most important thing is to stick it out.

07-01-2011, 08:31 AM
I read your build progress in the members section, and understand your priorities are to get it regoed and on the road, so good luck with the transplant. Are you keeping the old motor? If not did they offer you some kind of trade in price for it?

07-01-2011, 02:26 PM

07-01-2011, 03:53 PM
bahahaha good 1 todd

07-01-2011, 07:14 PM
hahahahahaha custom demotivational poster. Classy :D :D

Oh and no trade in offer was made. Thought I might hang on to it though.

08-01-2011, 08:34 AM
Yep I had that coming for a while now, nice one Todd :D

08-01-2011, 10:21 AM
LMAO! Well done Gitz!