View Full Version : Stripping Powder coating off wheels

16-12-2010, 11:22 PM
I've decided to strip the powder coating off my wheels and polish them. What's the best stripper or what do you use to get the powder coating off.
Thanks Andy

16-12-2010, 11:48 PM
have a look at that,


or try speaking to a powder coater, im sure they have something like an acid dip which they can put the wheels in and it will only eat away the powdercoat and not the metal. who knows, might only charge you a little and save you some hassle. least if they fuck its their problem to sor out for you

17-12-2010, 12:17 AM
bugger it dose say what to use.

17-12-2010, 05:08 AM
very fine sand blast using 5 to 10 agg will leave a finish similar to 120 grit paper in the polishing steps , then start sanding.

20-12-2010, 01:52 AM
any one no a cheap sand blaster in perth i can also trade for hi pressure clean that what i do.

20-12-2010, 04:51 PM
Talk to a powdercoater, most have a blaster of some sort to prep wheels n stuff just tell him you want a smooth a finish as possable as you want to polish them. A bag of 20 kg aggrigate should cost you around $15 to $25 if your lucky. Get some ultra fine agg 5 to 10 grit and tell the blaster he can keep the bag if he does your wheel at the right price, will prob knock it down a bit for you , as that size isnt used to often by most people.

20-12-2010, 08:16 PM
have your wheels been powdercoated as many factory wheels are painted and clean up easy with paint stripper followed by steelwool

22-12-2010, 09:31 PM
its a gsxr 1000 o8 wheel i put paint stripper on 3 times did nothing.

22-12-2010, 10:03 PM
soda blast

23-12-2010, 07:32 AM
Not sure soda would take off powder coating, it wont take off a paint I've found on some seat bases (like a plasic coating similar to powdercoating)

23-12-2010, 11:20 AM
Takes off boat hull paint and anti fowl.

23-12-2010, 12:42 PM
i no i can try these things but they all cost and im out of money there aint much work this time of year for me il try hand sanding them for now thanks for the help guys.

23-12-2010, 01:06 PM
I've had to take the powder off a wheel that had a less than desirable finish (looked like someone had mixed sand with the powder) and it had to be dipped in acid to get it off.

23-12-2010, 10:53 PM
acid do you no what sort it was.

24-12-2010, 10:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by thewiz

acid do you no what sort it was.
Not sure mate, maybe Exben can chime in as he got it done for me. (or email him)

30-12-2010, 08:54 AM
My powdercoater uses a Trichloroethane tank to strip the old powdercoating off. If you can get hold of automotive nitromors rathert han the normal household nitromors that will do it with several applications and a wire wheel on a drill, scourge it all first with the wire wheel, then apply a load of the nitromors and keep wetting it up and don't allow it to dry, then after ten minutes get the wire wheel back on it, and repeat the process a couple more times, and it will strip back to almost bare ally. A sisal polishing mop with a coarse poish will clean the last stains off it. I used this method to clean a JMC swingarm back ready to polish after it had been powdercoated.

12-01-2011, 04:37 PM
Just be careful when you do try and strip the powder of as most wheels that are powder coated (and we have to do this), are sand blasted first so that the powder coat keys(sticks) to the wheel. The sand blasted wheel is normally to coarse to try and polish.(does depend on the grit used but generally to coarse). On your flat easy to get to areas you can got thro the coarse to fine grades b4 you polish but in the difficult to reach areas you may never get it smooth enough to polish! You may start something here that you can't finish!!
Most powder coats will not come off with any kind of paint stripper. Our powdercoater has a special chemical that brakes down the molecules and turns the powder coat back into powder that can then be washed of with water.
I'd maybe head down to your local powder coater and have a chat b4 you start.
GOOD LUCK THO......................