View Full Version : bacha bazi....you all know about this right?

09-12-2010, 08:11 PM

09-12-2010, 09:35 PM
even more reason to turn out the lights permanently on these shitholes...

09-12-2010, 11:55 PM
fuck it - nuke. done. moving on

Jockney Rebel
10-12-2010, 12:05 AM
..bolloks to it pull out and let them get on with it
its thier fuckin country their problem ..let them sort it out we ve wasted enough resources/manpower on it already and itll only end up unresolved anyway just like nth ireland

10-12-2010, 05:19 PM
Thats fucked up.
What would Allah think of that shit??

What is wrong with these people??
Why would anyone prefer to watch and play with boys,instead of women???
What the fuck is wrong with them??

Nuke the joint,and start again.

10-12-2010, 07:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by nick76

Thats fucked up.
What would Allah think of that shit??

What is wrong with these people??
Why would anyone prefer to watch and play with boys,instead of women???
What the fuck is wrong with them??

Nuke the joint,and start again.

It's cultural.

They believe Boys, donkeys and goats are for pleasure and women are for making babies. So they'll go to boarding school and root each other senseless because there are no females available (after all the girls don't get schooled past 10 or 11 if at all) then leave school and miss a bit of boy.

I don't get it. I wonder why you'd take a sewer over a playground and more so an animal even, but hey I'm not Arabic and wasn't raised in one of their hell holes so I'll never get it..

10-12-2010, 08:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

..bolloks to it pull out and let them get on with it
its thier fuckin country their problem ..let them sort it out we ve wasted enough resources/manpower on it already and itll only end up unresolved anyway just like nth ireland


11-12-2010, 12:37 AM
the only thing that will come of the war in the middle east is some troops lvl'ng up, gaining EXP points, unlocking more maps, guns and perks, and hopefully, for all the good honest folk just doing their job, they can get the fuck home with a match death score of 0, and a few killstreaks on the way out (i.e Taliban Pedo Killstreak)

THE MIDDLE EAST - has always been a hell hole, it will not change, our contribution to the "war on terror" will not mean a thing it will stay fucked, the people, especially iraq and afhanistan, are born into that c/nt of a life and, nothing will shake them. the guys running around the map with guns have nothing to lose, fight in a dust bowl for a bit, whack a few westerners and if it goes pear shaped, chill with Allah on the milkshake lounge on the lesbian cloud with the 70 trillion virgins. (cheat codes - MAX SLUTS)

11-12-2010, 07:36 AM
I kno this is sposed to be a serious thread, but LJ that fuckin cracked me up! lol N3RD L1FE :D

11-12-2010, 01:58 PM
Fucked and it wont change.

12-12-2010, 01:35 PM
i dont care if its bali,europe,asia pasific ,middle east,africa ,usa,uk or our fucking home!! children are children and if someone takes their right to freedom ,safty and innocence away! be it taliban,left wing musslims,american ,asian ,poms or even our fellow aussies they all need to be cared for ,tought ,cherrised,PROTECTED!! from any kind of EVIL no matter the form it takes!!and if any one and i meen ANYONE !!can have a joke or think about games,or laughs at jokes about this shit about children rely needs to go and have their own shit sorted out and if they cant then fuck em!!
cultural???? who gives a fuck!!
no one !thats why it happens!
turn a blind eye and it doesnt happen
ill give my life away if you cant find one child that would want that shit
offer them safty,food,clothing,PROTECTION and parental love and i bet you they would give thier life for that to!!!
a child is a sponge give the abouve and the world will change for the better
give the child shit and you get a shit world!!!

12-12-2010, 01:57 PM
I'm sorry if you took my comments to mean I agreed with it or thought it was ok. Because that's far from close to what I was trying to say.

But before we condemn or criticise another country lets look into our own backyard for am minute -

The stats on Child abuse in this country are 1 household in 5. That's right 1 in 5 households will be affected by some form of child abuse. 20%.

So walk out to your letterbox and look up and down the street. Because that's a big number. And we're not a hell hole country. This is Australia. Does anyone else find this number disturbing? Because I sure as hell do. I like everyone else, just don't have the answers on how to deal with it.

12-12-2010, 02:42 PM
^^^^^^^^and DoCS wont/cant do fuck all about it.^^^^^^^^

I put together a 20 page document,about one dirty fkn creep in my area,and they did fkn nothing with it.
Something ridiculous like,1 in 8 cases is ever looked into.
Its everywhere,and its hard to stop.
There's a new local gaol just built in my area,and there is a special area,just for the paedophiles!!!
Thats disgusting.
They should all be shot.

12-12-2010, 09:20 PM
i say cut off there shit with a rusty blunt saw then let them bleed to death !

uncle pervy
12-12-2010, 10:09 PM
anyone ever thought about what pedo's get up to in prison? and i don't mean the kinky weird shit.

put them in prison together and they suddenly meet like minded people, start swapping names and address's, building networks arranging to meet up on the outer and share collections and stuff. no im with nick, a bullet is a hell of a lot cheaper and safer for the community too. most pedo's were once victims, now they just perpetuate the culture.
i say most cause when i was in the army in sydney i met a eunech. he was selected to be the family boy toy, he was castrated and all the males in the family used him as a pleasure object. seems this was normal in the middle eastern country he was from and as a sign of gratitude he was granted access to the family's money. his name was ravi, nice bloke, but had a damaged kind of sadness about him.

12-12-2010, 11:42 PM
I have tried to campaign to have an annual "stab a pedo" day - or even just a bludgeoning, much the same as "whacking day, oh wacking day" on the simpsons.. the only fuckers that would dissagree with this are fat people cause they have to get up off the couch, and the pedo's themselves.
A friend of someone I know personally took to some guy with a steel bar in a shop one day, as onlookers watched obviously horrified, when he kicked him in the jaw a few times while he was down and shouted "everyone knows your a fucking pedo" (this WAS proven, and he WAS convicted) all the onlookers just went back to what they were doing as if to say "oh right,.. carry on then chap!"

I fully 100% endorse this behaviour - they are below sub human and deserve to be treated as such. I have more of an issue with animal cruelty than any supposed deprivation of liberty/rights for pedos
Heck. lets have free range pedo hunting days.. I'm sure theyd love a bit of a .300 win mag tickle on the spine

el sammo
13-12-2010, 12:49 AM
hmm nice soloution but what if youre wrong.... i know a guy whos charged for being a underage sex offendor..

for having consentual sex with his girlfriend at the time

she was underage he was slightly older, many many years later after many more relationships she was going through counselling and talked about it, the counsellor followed it up and guy was charged and arrested with statoury rape.. not cool

13-12-2010, 03:44 PM
Elsammo,there's a big difference here.
Consentual sex with a girl,slightly underage,and your mate being slightly over,and playing with little boys,are two totally different things.
The cops obviously were out to just fuck someone over,and your mate probably copped it unfairly bad,tho he technically broke the law.
I've written 20pages of shit I know about a bloke i used to ride with,and the things he got up to with his disabled step son,put my name all over it,didn't do in annonmously,and still they did fuck all!!!
Your mate was unlucky.

el sammo
13-12-2010, 05:06 PM
yeh true true big differnece worlds a crazy place huh

13-12-2010, 09:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

..bolloks to it pull out and let them get on with it
its thier fuckin country their problem ..let them sort it out we ve wasted enough resources/manpower on it already and itll only end up unresolved anyway just like nth ireland
Im with you Jim!

14-12-2010, 03:09 PM
Is this the right thread to put a wtd add for a dancing boy?

14-12-2010, 03:35 PM
Did the last one escape Clint?

15-12-2010, 12:09 PM
No, we killed him.

15-12-2010, 12:46 PM
You mean you riped him.

15-12-2010, 02:53 PM
I was talking result, not cause.

uncle pervy
15-12-2010, 03:41 PM
does it have to be a dancing boy? or can we dress blowie up for you

15-12-2010, 04:07 PM
I prefer to dress him down

15-12-2010, 04:46 PM
let me know when you want to gimp him a little , have some leather and a new industrial sowing machine atm lol