View Full Version : sv1000....havent seen one like this before!!

29-11-2010, 12:22 AM
Just saw this up for sale in Ireland,the guys lookin for 3200euro,around 5grand aussie! Im back in ireland for the christmas,might give it a closer look! need afew mods to get it on the road here though...... anyone know what the go is with bringing a bike into australia?? worth it??




29-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Not an expert on this but this is what I have heard. Anything older than 15 years is easy. Anything younger it has to comply with ADRs unless its a personal import. You need to have owned it and been in your possesion overseas for 12 months. Then there's Freight, GST and Duty on anything basically. Could try bringing it in as parts.

01-12-2010, 08:43 AM
think the guy done a foto shoot for streetfighters mags with it
too.he is trying to sell this for a while so the ball could be in your

01-12-2010, 11:11 AM
if its anything like cars its a 51% import tax of what they deem is a reasonable price (eg: even if you pay 3200 euro, they may say its worth $10000AUD meaning it will cost you more than 5grand in taxes. that is unless you have owned it for more than a year overseas then some other rules apply. the other thing as Jinx said bring it in pieces with no compliance and buy a repairable write-off SV1000 frame from a wrecker and if your lazy chage the vin plates etc over or if you have time change the frames over?

01-12-2010, 06:02 PM
cheers lads,yeh he said its featured in streefighters mag but think its too much of a headache to bring it in....just taught 5grand is a bargain but prob not worth it in the long run. anyway mite aswel finish my own first before i think of a new one! cheers for the info!

01-12-2010, 06:04 PM
cheers lads,yeh he said its featured in streefighters mag but think its too much of a headache to bring it in....just taught 5grand is a bargain but prob not worth it in the long run. anyway mite aswel finish my own first before i think of a new one! cheers for the info!