View Full Version : Steering Dampners.....

27-02-2007, 11:24 AM
Our Illustrious leader Si stated that he doesnt use a steering dampner on "Degenerate". Im thinking of following suit as the bracket at the front of my bike is an abomination...

I was wondering who else on here doesnt use a steering dampner and also if anyone knows if there is a legal requirement to have one fitted... I know some bikes eg. TLs needed one for safety lol as they were tank slap happy.



27-02-2007, 11:29 AM
You're about to be shot down for saying "dampner" instead of "damper" mate. I've seen it happen before.

27-02-2007, 12:01 PM
what the fuck is a dampner what a stupid bird brained flat headed twat , Dampner "what" you dumb stupid bastard where did you get that word from it's a steering wobble stopper thingy.
Phhh a steering dampner who ever heard of such a thing.
What a Dickhead.:D

27-02-2007, 12:13 PM
Run a google search you'll find both spellings are used...fucks me why my sprint unit from stu is a "steering damper".

27-02-2007, 01:27 PM
Spelling aside, none of my 3 bikes have them.

27-02-2007, 01:32 PM
I don't run one, and I have fairly steep geometry on a 16" front wheel (GPz9).

27-02-2007, 01:41 PM
Jakam, call 'em what you like, but from my experience you only need one if the steering geometry is set up in such a way that makes the front end shake. Usually this happens at a particular speed or like on my RZ500 when you are decellerating. If your bike suffers from head-shake, then it is best advised to fit one, but if it has never chucked a wobbly, then don't bother. They tend to slow your steering and can give the front end a heavy feel.
Streetfighters tend to suffer from headshake 'cos guys jack-up the rear which lowers the front, shortening the wheelbase and puts more weight on the front wheel(same as decellerating on my RZ500).
The TL suffered from several ills some of which came from the rear suspension set-up. But even TL pilots ditched their dampers 'cos it made the steering slow.
If it aint broke.........

27-02-2007, 02:01 PM
Cool. thanks for the advice... I will be removing the steering DAMPER (Not DAMPNER) very soon.


p.s. Thanks Devo for the extra mile input lmao....


27-02-2007, 05:05 PM
Hey Jakam what sort of Dampner, Dampener steering wobble stopper thingy do you have.
Is it standard or aftermarket. Just wondering if you want to part with it.
And no probs with the input thats why we are here.

Tony Nitrous
27-02-2007, 05:36 PM
Busa's have them as stock.
Mine was left off after the be mod's.

I have lost a lot of weight off the front,
Im sitting further back/more upright,
and I have gained a pillion...

Im going to play with tyre pressures and suspension first but
might end up looking for a side mount dampernererrrr, or one
to mount under the bottom yolk.

Legal to remove ?
Try standing up in court after a major RTA or fatality and
explaining why Suzuki fitted a dampenerrerer but you know better?
But then, if you though like that, dont build a fighter ;)

27-02-2007, 05:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by jakam04

Cool. thanks for the advice... I will be removing the steering DAMPER (Not DAMPNER) very soon.


p.s. Thanks Devo for the extra mile input lmao....


Nothing wrong with removing the anti wobble device as most if not all people are fitting renthal style bars which gives you more control and leverage.
Things to note that when a anti wobble device is removed makes sure that your swingarm and linkage bearings are all good, siezed bearings are just as bad as loose bearings and also make sure rose joints and or pivot points for the rear shock are good as well and finally make sure the rear shock is in top condition.
There all done.
Oh yeah fuckin dampner for fucks sake jeez :D

27-02-2007, 08:05 PM
tony do you want to part with your anti wobble device?

Tony Nitrous
27-02-2007, 08:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by Rexie

tony do you want to part with your anti wobble device?

As soon as I find one I like / that fits, the stock one can go.

27-02-2007, 08:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

Hey Jakam what sort of Dampner, Dampener steering wobble stopper thingy do you have.
Is it standard or aftermarket. Just wondering if you want to part with it.
And no probs with the input thats why we are here.

My steering damper (not dampner) is the stock standard one. Not sure on if I can let it go yet as I havent ridden the bike without it yet lol... wouldnt want to offer to sell it to find out I will have to re-attahc it.



27-02-2007, 08:49 PM

the TLR just passed roadoworthy inspections and was registered WITHOUT the steering damper

nobody mentioned it, or noticed it

i have a bitubo rear shock set up for my wieght and gixxer 1000 k2 forks (adjustable everything)
so i am going to tune the suspension the best i can with those tools to try to tune out the tendancy for headslap

i also have adjustable headangle with my triple clamps and once i figure em out i will adjust the head angle out a bit

but i still plan to fit a DAMPER unit cos with the brand new steering bearings, ditching the fairings and the weight transferred off the front end with the protapers the steering feels twitchy as!

anyways, do what u want
i never had headshake troubles on any of my other bikes, maybe one or two shakes ever with the naked sv650
but yeah, who knows

all i know for sure is that the stock TLR one wont fit mine anymore so i have to go aftermarket anyways!

27-02-2007, 08:59 PM
can i have it then fimp.

27-02-2007, 09:39 PM

27-02-2007, 09:40 PM

27-02-2007, 09:57 PM
sold give it to you on the weekend with the other. thanks.

27-02-2007, 10:20 PM
dampers are for limp wristed faggots,spend your money on 12 months gym membership instead.

and a dampener is that thing you absorb the blood from your vagina with every 28 days,(wet sponge)this wont help your tank slappers,nor will it keep the flys away if you hang them from your hat.

Damper is the equipment,dampening is what it does.

28-02-2007, 02:26 AM
Dampna' mate, DAMPNA'!!!:D

28-02-2007, 02:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

dampers are for limp wristed faggots,spend your money on 12 months gym membership instead.

and a dampener is that thing you absorb the blood from your vagina with every 28 days,(wet sponge)this wont help your tank slappers,nor will it keep the flys away if you hang them from your hat.

Damper is the equipment,dampening is what it does.

Yeah spend ya money at the gym improve ya wrist action [:0]:D

So does that mean when ya damper is dampening it makes the front of ya bike wet [?]:D

It's ok I know where the door is just waiting for booner to fetch me coat

01-03-2007, 07:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by davo

dampers are for limp wristed faggots,spend your money on 12 months gym membership instead.

and a dampener is that thing you absorb the blood from your vagina with every 28 days,(wet sponge)this wont help your tank slappers,nor will it keep the flys away if you hang them from your hat.

Damper is the equipment,dampening is what it does.

Davo, if you use your gym membership to tighten your vagina enough, it won't leak any blood at all.

01-03-2007, 07:42 PM
In davo's case it's probably more likely due to anal tearing, than vaginal leakage :D

But I could be wrong, it does happen on occasion :D

01-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Oh Chalk, you crack me up..........again. (excuse the pun.)

01-03-2007, 07:55 PM
I'm just here tp please mate ;)

01-03-2007, 08:05 PM
From steering dampers to torn arseholes.

I love this place...:D

01-03-2007, 09:03 PM
hahaha, "vagine" (borat accent)

its funny cos davo is such a cunt :D