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25-02-2007, 09:51 PM
Was out with kroosn and elle on a short ride to the cinema and saw something interesting.

Black BMW fanging towards us with copper lights and sirens blazing. The BMW cut in front of me done a side street but managed to clip an oncoming car fucking her up in the process. The BMW kept going and the cops kept on chasing.

Two things - 1/ fuck me I'm glad that was a dude on a bike (or scooter for that matter I guess) getting hit - the BMW managed to break the control arm on the car and put the chick into shock.

2/ The cops didn't stop to see if the girl was alright - I guess its more important to continue a chase down a suburban 60kmph road then make sure some poor broad who was in the wrong place at the wrong time is ok.

Go fucking figure.

Oh and did a mt glorious ride fuck me its getting busy up there on weekends. elle got merged on by a dick with a trailer and I almost went over the bonnet of some sheila who pulled out in front of me. Glad the 12r has big anchors.

The roads aren't getting any safer.

25-02-2007, 10:07 PM
Let's hope she files a reckless endangerment complaint against the pigs involved.

25-02-2007, 10:11 PM
If she doesn't I reckon I should.

Forgot to mention - I had to call the cops. No one turned up.

25-02-2007, 10:28 PM
Sounds like they're no better than the fuck ups called the AFP down here. Couldn't organise a knock-up in a brothel, just hide behind their badges and guns.

26-02-2007, 07:22 AM
I hope you stopped & gave the girl your details so you can testify in court[?]cause in three years time IF it gets to court,she will be severly outnumberd by them[}:)]she might get $100.00 thrown her way that will not cover the risk of losing her job cause she took time off work to see doctors,councilers,psyhc`s,physio or panel beaters[}:)]It may however cover the petrol in getting to those places[?]
Sound wrong to you[?] IT AINT

26-02-2007, 11:22 AM
I gave the girl all my info just incase the cops "loose" it. i just couldnt believe they didnt stop. i thought they were supposed to stop the pursuit when it was dangerous. i think doing those speeds in a residential area was dangerous enough let alone when the guy was hitting people.


26-02-2007, 11:53 AM
Yeah, when you see shit like that it makes you wonder about that dead abbo up on that island don't it.

26-02-2007, 05:48 PM
YOU ARE CHICKEN FEED see you at AFR,[}:)]
I`m talk`n to you "minor` blanc"[}:)]Too far cunt[}:)]
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

Yeah, when you see shit like that it makes you wonder about that dead abbo up on that island don't it.

26-02-2007, 06:36 PM

26-02-2007, 06:43 PM
(Sits here eating popcorn watching all the action)...


26-02-2007, 06:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by mad mundy

YOU ARE CHICKEN FEED see you at AFR,[}:)]
I`m talk`n to you "minor` blanc"[}:)]Too far cunt[}:)]
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

Yeah, when you see shit like that it makes you wonder about that dead abbo up on that island don't it.

What the fuck are you talking about this time Mad?

PS you're way too small to go making threats ya twat.

26-02-2007, 07:55 PM
What's going on here then? Maybe I need to follow current afairs or something but I'm lost here.

26-02-2007, 08:17 PM
Mad's making another mistake again. If he read the thread properly he would have seen that I was casting aspersions on the actions of the cops, not the abo that died.

PS Is it just me? but Peewee Mundy is as fucking white as I am, which, all things considered, would make him the 'mini blanc'[8D], is he on some sort of 'I'm so wonderfully black' Mansell crusade or something[?]

Jockney Rebel
26-02-2007, 08:21 PM
? dunno i just got here ..

26-02-2007, 08:39 PM
By the way Gix, it's the case in QLD just recently where an abo died in police custody on some remote island, and the Attorney General refused to prosecute the cop. But everybody made such a stink about it that the Govt caved in and appointed a judicial review, which resulted in the pressing of charges against the cop.

I wouldn't have thought that anyone in QLD would not have been aware of it.

26-02-2007, 08:58 PM
Si has been "away" for a while....:D

26-02-2007, 09:34 PM
Forget the TT at the AFR! Will this be bare knuckels or is someone providing gloves?;) I reckon 3 count and your GOOOONE :D

26-02-2007, 09:37 PM
Depends on whether I'm allowed to stand, or have to kneel :D

26-02-2007, 09:39 PM
And I don't think 3 seconds will keep us entertained for the whole evening :D

27-02-2007, 11:57 PM
OK,i've just read this thread numerous times.And as per usual it seems we have a misunderstanding between members.

Mundy... Chalk was NOT pointing the finger,mearly casting asperations as stated.No need to Arc-up mate,we are all brothers here.

Chalky...we are all from the internet mate,not everyone knows everyone else personally,and therefore doest know when they are offending someone else."Jesus maybe i should listen to myself sometimes".

But at the end of the day,we are all ASF members and therefore should get along together ,so you blokes buy each other a beer at Dubbo and get over it.


Rich you have mail.

28-02-2007, 06:41 AM
This Rich?? Nar I don't have mail if that's case Davo.

Cheers Rich

28-02-2007, 09:27 AM
I didn't threaten violence on anyone Davo, for once;), I've bgeen a good boy lately[:0]. I was merely pointing out the inanity of Mundy threatening me, he certainly has been around long enough to realise that it won't worry me;). But it did give me the opportunity for a bit of a stir [8D]
I know, I'm a bastard, but hey, that's a part of my natural charm :D