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23-02-2007, 06:33 PM
OK, i get this out right from the start, electrics hate me, it may as well be magic, my problem is, the vfr been cutting out from 4 to 3 back to 4 and so on, when i had a look, the reg/rec unit getting awful hot , dont spose any one got any ideas please, battery is only 6 months old, that bout the extent of my electric knowledge, so am totally lost now. have checked charge going into battery, is between 8 and 10.5 volts at 1500 rpm? so safe to think it something to do with reg/rec unit????

23-02-2007, 07:06 PM
Check the output from you're Stator mate. Overly hot reg/rec unit is due to either too much input, or the reg/rec unit is about to die. Do you know if it's always the same cylinder?

If you're cutting in or out you probably haven't yet destroyed you're cdi unit, but check outputs before doing any rides, or you could well fry it.

Do you have access to a multimeter, and know how to use one? Do you have the manual as well? the tests are often detailed in there, the aftermarket haines/clymer are generally very good in this area, well worth the investment. I can help step you through the tests if you need. It's not rocket science, but a bit of experience does help. Let me know what year/model info and I'll see what specific info I can chase up (are you on any vfr sites?, a link to their maintenance section would be handy)

23-02-2007, 07:24 PM
is a 86 RC-24, am a member of a couple of viffer sites but there dont seem to be much tech. info on any of them, and sourcing a manual for my model seems to be a mission and a half, can get 87-89 and later but nuffin for 86, where do i find the stator? like i said not very electrically or mech. minded, i more do the frame body and paintwork. electrical and mechanical, that what i pay a workshop for, so i dont fuck it lol. got a good quality multi-meter and know how to use it, that bout the extent of it tho

23-02-2007, 07:35 PM
If I remember correctly (maybe one of the others can verify) it is on the left hand side of the crank, and will have a 3 wire connector coming out of it, which connects into the reg/rec unit. They're a 3 phase unit (think 3 AC sections) and I will have to check which phases are used when. On most they run only 2 phases when not using headlights, and the 3 phase cutting in when headlights are on. Try running without headlights whenever possible till the system is fixed, will reduce stress on the system.
A quick and easy check is to replace the Reg/Rec unit with a known good 2nd hand one and see what happens. These units are a weak point on most 80's Japanese machines.
Go through the wiring and verify that the earths are all good, plus check things like side stand switches. The SS switches are often the earth circuit for the cdi unit and if it is playing up can give an intermittent problem like you mention. Just bypass the switch, ie earth stricght to ground and see what happens.

23-02-2007, 07:38 PM
If the battery is going flat check the regulator first,

23-02-2007, 07:38 PM
headlights arent too much of a prob chalky, they not a perm on system like a lot of newer bikes, will have to try and source a usable reg/rec unit from somewhere and give it a go, are the stators on older bikes prone to probs?, there is no side stand cut out on mine, dunno if it standard or if previous owner has already bypassed it?

23-02-2007, 07:43 PM
no prob with battery, is keeping charge and havent had starting probs, the cutting out is only intermiottent at the moment so i think it only just starting to play up, rather fix it now before it fucks everything

23-02-2007, 07:54 PM
Go through and check all the wiring earths first, redo them all if you have to. Its the cheapest and requires no replacement parts.
Is the battery getting hot/ losing electrolyte? That indicates over charging, and a problem with the Reg/Rec + stator.
If that all looks ok (earths/battery) then try a 2nd hand cdi unit, if you can borrow one.

23-02-2007, 07:59 PM
no, battery isnt getting hot but reg/rec unit is. will check all earths in morning, got no shed so have to wait till morning or bring the bike into living room and wife will kill me for that,

23-02-2007, 08:06 PM
Sounds like the Reg/Rec unit is probably working ok then. Go for the earth check, if part of the system isn't using power, even intermittently, then the Reg/Rec unit will be 'holding' more power resulting in increased heat.
PS Reg/Rec units do get hot under normal usage, are you sure it's getting hotter than normal?

23-02-2007, 08:10 PM
yeh burnt my hand when i checked it

23-02-2007, 08:13 PM
Definitely check the stator output at the first opportunity.

I'll post the info on checking Suzuki/Kwaka 4 stators tomorrow morning, should be the same for your Honda V.

23-02-2007, 08:15 PM
ta chalky much appreciated

23-02-2007, 09:04 PM
Evar thought of changing carrers Mark?.rekon you'd be a wizz with a high tech Fluke Meter(those things are fuckin unbelievable if ya know how to drive em).

23-02-2007, 09:16 PM
Not really mate, I actually enjoy data analysis/migration work (I know, I know, it's fucking sad) plus the money is phenomenal at the moment. I'm looking at $160k+, just gotta stop wasting so much :D. 4 motors since last years AFR, lot's of party substances etc etc etc.
Truth is though, if I didn't have a daughter here in CBR I probably would look at taking off for QLD and taking up something like that. Be a much more fun place to live. :D

Those Fluke meters look pretty hot though.

23-02-2007, 11:16 PM
mate...no point earnin $160K on the books when ya gotta pay maintenance,only a few years to go and your a free man."Yes, I too am counting the days".My 16 YO is just starting to gain independance...only 2 more to go and i'm semi-retired.Rekon i'll start living again by the time i'm 40. YAY. Like i've always said:"A hit Man would have been much cheaper".

24-02-2007, 01:11 AM
8-10 volts at 1500rpm? Is it a 12 volt system?, I would think it is.....so you should be seeing more than 13, or at least something above 12 volts! Either that, or you meant to say amps, and that's plenty enough..
If the regulator is burning your hand , I'd take a guess that one coil is shorting to earth in your alternator.If you end up taking it apart, check to see if there's any rub marks on the coils, bare wires are not good in there. Like Chalky says , the easiest test is to try another regulator first, but it does sound a bit more likely to be in the alternator itself, or the wires going to it.
Probably making it misfire due to lack of voltage, not enough grunt to run the ignition.

24-02-2007, 09:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

mate...no point earnin $160K on the books when ya gotta pay maintenance,only a few years to go and your a free man."Yes, I too am counting the days".My 16 YO is just starting to gain independance...only 2 more to go and i'm semi-retired.Rekon i'll start living again by the time i'm 40. YAY. Like i've always said:"A hit Man would have been much cheaper".

Yeah Me-Li turns 15 next month, and I've been aking great delight in reminding the X about how long before the money tree dies out. She doesn't seem too happy about that for some reason :D

24-02-2007, 02:44 PM
fuckin bikes, had the bitch over at rhd cycles here in the ville, while there it ran fine, didnt miss a beat, when i left to head home it started playing up again, in a million pieces at the moment trying to check earths and replace wires that look a bit dodgy, will let you know how that goes chalky, and just go from there, your help is very much appreciated

24-02-2007, 03:05 PM


Excuse the delay Pete. This info is for the air-cooled (haynes manual) GSX's with the stator on the end of the crank.

24-02-2007, 03:18 PM
ta chalky, will check it out,

24-02-2007, 03:21 PM




These ones are from the Kawasaki workshop manual, for a GPz900r. It has an alternator up behind the barrels instead of a Stator on the crank. Probably more like your Viffer.

How'd you go with that Ebay site I sent you last night?

24-02-2007, 04:43 PM
outlook blocked the url, so if you could post it would be good thanks, have just dropped the rad, so i can get to the front bank to check everything, #1 cylinder HT lead got a fuck off big split in it so hoping that is the prob, new set of leads monday morning and see how we go

24-02-2007, 07:21 PM
Here you ga mate
