View Full Version : transfering photocopy to paint

25-09-2010, 08:10 PM
hey guys, i seem to remember this from hotrod magazines from a good few years back. can anyone remember how to do it? if it involves products, can you give me an idea of what they are, stuff over here in the land of liquid sunshine are usually named differnt, or just plain impossible to find. cheers guys, got an idea for a artjob on the tank, but not good enough to airbrush it, and too skint to pay for it to be done.

25-09-2010, 08:24 PM
Sounds like a cool idea... Fired up the google machine and this is what I came up with...

Is this the stuff?

25-09-2010, 08:30 PM
When I learned spray painting at tech (many moons ago) we were shown how to do this with pics from magazines. Basically you spray a good wet coat of clear, place the pic face down onto it and let it dry. When it's dry you wet the paper and rub it away with a sponge. You then very carefully rub the whole surface with VERY fine wet paper (2000 or so) and clear it again as per normal (2 or 3 coats at least). You should end up with the pic 'floating' in the clear, kind of like a hologram. Lots of hot rod murals used to be done this way.

This is just one way (of many) though. Here are a few more - http://www.goldenpaints.com/technicaldata/transimg.php

Edit: I forgot to add - Practice makes perfect!!

25-09-2010, 09:04 PM
cheers guys, got a few panels left over from when i took the fairing off the cbr, i'll have a go with the wet gloss and have a look for the gel medium. reakon the copy onto wet gloss paint will work, or just onto clear?