View Full Version : crazy bikes and cars!

15-09-2010, 02:58 PM
found this while looking for VFR800 fighter pics.


15-09-2010, 04:39 PM
Theres some bikes there i really like,the Dokujya,the buell,and the V800,then theres others that i really dont.
He's definately got his own style,long and low

15-09-2010, 05:50 PM
Lazareth bikes have been featured in SF mag for a few years now, although always engineering masterpieces, not always my cup of tea.

Tony Nitrous
15-09-2010, 06:12 PM
His stuff been around a while, in the mag's, on here and in a few movies.

All seem to work but most are designed more for look's and image.
The one I did like was his Hayabusa.
Suzuki were dragging their feet about building the B-King so he
beat them to it, and made a better job.
Based on the Busa it was shorter, lighter and had a bigger tank.
Not sure if they were sold as bikes or kits but a few were done.