View Full Version : I need to vent!

09-09-2010, 10:12 PM
I've fucking had enough. I live near a large university. It is popular with people from all over the world, but especially with Asian people. Normally, as a person of anglo origins, if I have a problem with someone who is not of the same racial origin as myself, I am branded a Racist.
Well fuck that shit!
My problem is with Asians! Why the fuck can they come over here and drive around on public roads, YET HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA!
Why the fuck do they come over here and walk around on the fucking road when THERE IS A FUCKING FOOTPATH ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FUCKING ROAD?
I AM NOT A RACIST, but if you come here and only associate with people of your own race and make no attempt to integrate into regular society, then I am going to have a hard time interacting with you and proving what an accepting, friendly bunch of normal people we Aussies are. You might be shy, I acknowledge that if you are not fluent in English then you may feel embarassed talking to me. But if I say hello to you and smile, only to have you walk away without even a nod, then dont expect me to keep trying to be friendly.
Education is the third largest money maker here in Australia (after mineral exports and tourism) and even a dumb cunt like me can see how important our uni's are to the economy. But, for fuck's sake, do I have to move out of the area I grew up in to make room for people who are only here for a few years and dont want to intergrate? Pay your fees, hang with your countrymen and fuck off home. What a jip.
Let's say I heard about a course at Jakarta Uni that I could afford and it would set me up for life. I'm pretty fucking sure the locals would knife me, cut me up and feed me to the pigs if I behaved the way some fuckheads come over here and carry on.
I know a lot of people will brand me a racist for expressing my opinion about minority groups in our society. To those people I say SUCK MY ARSE. Just because i'm not a minority, doesnt mean i'm a fucking racist.

09-09-2010, 10:17 PM
Didn't you know already, Only white people can be racist.

09-09-2010, 10:18 PM
Well said.

09-09-2010, 10:23 PM
your not racist ,im married to an asian and yes she spends alot of time with her friends speaking her languge.i dont understand it ,,i couldnt give a fuck wot she talks about actually,,but i lived in canberra for a lot of years and met some of these school uni students ,it took like 2 years to get to know them ,,ACTUALLY they told me they were scared to make aussie friends because of the whole aussie imagine,,,load of shit ,i told them im like u some of my best friends i meet in the early 90s came from 3rd world cuntries no your just normal ,,fuck moving ,stay were u are ,

09-09-2010, 10:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by revheadpete

your not racist ,im married to an asian and yes she spends alot of time with her friends speaking her languge.i dont understand it ,,i couldnt give a fuck wot she talks about actually,,but i lived in canberra for a lot of years and met some of these school uni students ,it took like 2 years to get to know them ,,ACTUALLY they told me they were scared to make aussie friends because of the whole aussie imagine,,,load of shit ,i told them im like u some of my best friends i meet in the early 90s came from 3rd world cuntries no your just normal ,,fuck moving ,stay were u are ,

I reckon there is a fair chance your Asian wife speaks better english than you do, either that or you are permanently pissed!!!!!

09-09-2010, 11:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by Swordsy

Didn't you know already, Only white people can be racist.

quote:Originally posted by Elapid
Well said.
Like that preacher in the U.S. that wants to burn the Koran. They can burn flags, bibles and sprout shit like kill all infidels yet if we (western culture) do the same all hell will (supposedly) break loose. FUCK 'EM ALL I say. Lets turn the shit hole they live in to a big ball of glass!!!

09-09-2010, 11:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by Nudie
Let's say I heard about a course at Jakarta Uni that I could afford and it would set me up for life.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's run by a cunt called Bashir and your life will be happy but short[:0]

10-09-2010, 07:38 AM
hey gibbo,nah shes not bad,but doesnt understand the lingo ,after19yrs u think she,d get it
kev kat your spot on the muslums are a bunch of one eyed cocks ,i agree wit u

10-09-2010, 08:18 AM
I should preface my post by saying my two oldest mates are Asian, one was born in Thailand and emigrated here when he was 6 or so and the other was born here and of Chinese descent.

Both have several family members who speak very little English and are intimidated by me when I go over to visit. Do you know why? It's not because I'm bigger or taller than they are, it's not cause I'm hostile or aggressive towards them. it's because of fuckhead small minded "Aussies" who treat them like shit and call them names like gook, chink, slant-eye etc. and act like they're better than them just because they speak english and have lighter skin. To those fuckwits, I say "lick my balls" you're dragging the rest of us down with your myopic stupidity.

Not directed at you btw nudie, up until very recently I was at uni with a great many Asian (inc. Indian, Pakistani etc.) as well as Greek, Lebanese, Assyrian, Afghan etc. and yep, the vast majority of them I consider to be flat out cunts. Not based on their race, but by how they act.

The fact of the matter is, yes, there are dickheads who happen to be Asian, just like there are white folk. I'm not on a "can't we all just get along" trip cause the world simply doesn't work like that, I'm just saying to be careful of who you're tarring with that oversized brush there.

A story: My "Chinese" mate, who has lived here his entire life, was raised as an Aussie (and holds to what I consider to be the true Aussie ideals better than 99% of the anglos I know)and has more of an ocker accent than crocodile Dundee was called a chink by some fuckstain redneck piece of shit at a bar we were at. no provocation, no smart talk, the guy straight out walked up to him and called him a chink. My mate just laughed at him and went about his business. I was blown away that this cunt is an ambassador for white Australia.

We have an international reputation of being racist cock smokers due to shit like this. As soon as tards stop seeing it as "us v them" the better off this nation will be. We have so many Asians (in keeping with the thread theme) that do so much for this country. Victor Chang, remember him? What a cunt that guy was hey?

If socio-economic indicators are anything to go by, Asians have adapted to this culture incredibly well, just as the Greeks and Italians did before them.

Serious question; do you guys who think that all Asians, who by your own admission contribute a massive amount to our economy, are pricks think that all Lebanese people are Bloodthirsty pack rapists?

Sorry to get all touchy, it's just that there seems to be a growing culture on this site that this bullshit is acceptable. If the subject interests you, I recommend reading Jayasuriyas essays on "new racism". I found them to be quite the eye opener.

Once again sorry for the lengthy response.

Cliff notes:
Yes some Asian people are cunts
So are some white people
Some of them are cool as fuck
Who doesn't like the idea of an Asian chick giving you a rusty trombone?

"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious"- Oscar Wilde.

10-09-2010, 11:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by -Dex-

Who doesn't like the idea of an Asian chick giving you a rusty trombone?

I just had to google the definition of this. Interesting sexual proclivities you have Dex.

As for me I worked with Vietnamese in a factory and they were what seemed to be aloof and idn't associate with the white guys. Until I taught one to read. I borrowed little golden books from a mate and taught him in our lunch breaks and before work. An hour a day for 3months and he caught on really well. The pride on his face when he read the first one through with no prompting from me was worth it. I never had an issue with them from then on.

I also worked with a Vietnamese Girl who taught me to say motherfucker and "you have a smelly pussy" (they know what your saying but from a linguistic point of view it doesnt make sense when said in their language). She cracks me up to this day. Attitude is everything, and we are the ones with it in the vast majority of cases. The guys in the factory accepted me as one of them as did Little Wen because I treated them like humans. Funny how that's all we really want in life isn't it?

10-09-2010, 12:28 PM
im just glad i went to uni when i did
a few years later and i definitely wouldnt have been able to afford it

i understand that uni's are big business, but the govenment has truly fucked this one up.
its no use educating the rest of the world and in the mean time ending up with a nation of people who's only skill is to dig black stuff out of the ground to sell overseas

10-09-2010, 06:57 PM
Thanks for not turning this into a massive I hate blah blah racist spree. Dex, it was never my intention to try and brand ALL Asians as a lower caste. The fact is, a large number of people in my area are Asian. I only really get the shits when I try and make an effort, only to be snubbed. Like I said,I understand why someone may be a bit shy (cultural diff's, language barrier etc) but i'm trying you know.
We also have a large number of Somali's here too. But they are refugees from a cunt of a country, not students. Maybe they have a different attitude because they are here to stay.
And yeh, I also have friends/workmates that are Asian, Greek, Italian, Slav, all the old Yugo countries, even Kiwis! I grew up in a diverse, changing society and am proud to be tolerant and accepting.
Let's leave it there, I got it off my chest.

11-09-2010, 09:13 AM
Too easy mate, like I said in my post, I wasn't accusing you of that at all. Could just see the thread heading in that general direction and wanted to get my 2c in before the shitstorm hit.

11-09-2010, 12:26 PM
im with you nudie

not so much just the asians but more the FUCKEN AFRICANS!!
in my street the asians pretty much keep to them selfs and yes wont even try to mingle with any other in our street.. ok fair enough and keep to your selfs, but when you cunts just back out ya driveways or throw U turns with out looking and write my car off (yes this happened)
because you to fucken lasy to turn your heads or blind drunk or stoned, then yes of course im going to get upset at you because your just

oh my fucken god what fucken pigs these cunts are!!
pull up in front of my house, empty all the rubbish out of there cars on my front laws, push shopping trolleys on my side of the road coz there to fucken lazy to walk it 2 houses to the corner to be collected, park cars in the middle of the road and walk off in to a family or 7 living in a 3 bedroom house, have partys and all there guests are all parked on my driveway, front lawns, on the footpaths and also parked in all the other neighbors drives and lawns, damage our neighbors cars when drunk throwing cans of beer at our cars, throwing all the rubbish all over the street and just making total cunts of your selfs and this list just keeps going!!

us Australians are not racist, we are just sick and tired of your bullshit and sick and tired of trying to make you feel welcome here when all you do is make CUNTS out of your selfs and dis respect us and our country and when you FUCKTART AFRICANS say shit like you CUNTS will soon take over this place, well its no wonder your shit gets blown up!!!! FUCK ALL OF YOU DIS RESPECTFUL CUNTS!