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04-09-2010, 07:50 PM
Club-K Container Missile System is designated for hitting surface and land targets by 3Ì-54ÒE, 3Ì-54ÒE1 and 3Ì-14ÒE cruise missiles.
Club-K Missile System can be installed on coastal positions, surface ships and vessels of different classes, railway and automobile platforms.
Club-K Missile System is housed in 40-ft standard marine container.
Functionally Club-K Missile System consists of Universal Launching Module (ULM), Combat Management Module (CMM) and Energy-Supply and Life-Support Module (ES&LSM).

The launcher with 4 missiles is housed in the Universal Launching Module. The ULM is designed for preparation and missile start-off from transport-launching containers.

Combat Management Module provides:
every day servicing and scheduled missile control;
receiving of target detection and commands to open fire
combat support computation;
pre-launch preparation;
launch mission defining and cruise missile launching.

CMM and ES&LSM can be constructively arranged and made in the form of separate standard marine containers.

- Capability of usage from any land and sea platforms
- Efficiency of delivery and installation on carrier or coastal positions
- Hitting of surface and land targets
- Ability to increase the number of ammunition loads


06-09-2010, 10:25 PM
sneaky fuckers

07-09-2010, 06:21 AM
well thats obviously the tactical weapon of defense, like a club in ur pocket when a coupla rascals r outta beat shit of u along with ur bikes keys and coin [8D] like the 1 in Hos' thread


the worlds copper couldnt of been so insolent knowing that some "problem child" like iraq or serbia could have had a few of them clubs somewhere. one amazing feature about the complex is every of 4 missiles can be programmed to hit a different type of a goal, eg 1 is to hit an air goal, the 2nd hits a seabourne goal, the 3rd hits a land goal etc, as i know, no other complex has such an ability [^] leaving alone the fact that to accomodate the whole complex in a standard 40ft 20t container, with all size and weight characteristics is a deed in itself! [8D] btw, its not just an animation its real and already to be sold to india venezuela and may be some other non conformist countries INDEPENDENT from usa's dictatorship [:p]

07-09-2010, 07:50 PM
Got to love randoms with big fuck off weapons , makes the world a more interesting place dont you think? lol

07-09-2010, 07:58 PM
Surt, justice only means anything when its delivered in person and by hand. ;)

Guns are for pussies. You stand there and press the trigger. Any punk can do that.[^]

07-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Genius idea Surt, who makes the containers ? Let me guess ... US ? :)

I can see they could be shipped to any innocent country and then used to nuke to hell out another neighbouring country while the innocent country gets the blame. Clever.

07-09-2010, 08:37 PM
Looks like a play-box or x-station game to me. I seriously doubt the truck mounted container would be able to launch successfully, but then again what would I know?

07-09-2010, 09:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

Looks like a play-box or x-station game to me. I seriously doubt the truck mounted container would be able to launch successfully, but then again what would I know?

Its feasible?
Technology innit :D

08-09-2010, 06:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by HOS

Surt, justice only means anything when its delivered in person and by hand. ;)

Guns are for pussies. You stand there and press the trigger. Any punk can do that.[^]

even the punk would think twice to use weapons of mass destruction in fear to get the retailiation... cept u Hos! ;)

08-09-2010, 06:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by HOS

Genius idea Surt, who makes the containers ? Let me guess ... US ? :)

I can see they could be shipped to any innocent country and then used to nuke to hell out another neighbouring country while the innocent country gets the blame. Clever.

let me guess... china? :D btw can i have a list of innocent countries from u mate? all r guilty! no really, u can do wat u said but i dont believe in tactical nuke weapon just cos of the short range. from wat we see in the middle east, arabs transport their missiles in vans and even cars, sometimes on their own backs. we r not talking guerrilla war, a big war assault weapons need armour or long range. nuke submarines, plane carriers, ballistic missiles r the first strike weapons and those sneaky fuckers r the ones to ruin the show [:o)]

08-09-2010, 06:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

Looks like a play-box or x-station game to me. I seriously doubt the truck mounted container would be able to launch successfully, but then again what would I know?

nope we used to have similar 4pack anti missile on different platforms now theyve been just packed into the container [8D] like i said /or didn't?/ the main purpose of the complex is air defense

Bubble Boy
08-09-2010, 09:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

Looks like a play-box or x-station game to me. I seriously doubt the truck mounted container would be able to launch successfully, but then again what would I know?

??? How do you think truck/trailer based launch systems work?

09-09-2010, 11:55 AM
Iceman , the launcher isn't real important with most modern missles its just a stabaliser/igniter for the first few feet, the missile is an outonimus being once launched generally contactable for a limited time controlable to an extent but once programed and set off generally happy to do its job. Stabliity on launch isnt a really big issue with most modern missles with thrust vectoring and sorfisticated gydance controls allowing for a huge variance in angle off attack at launch, just think of the underwater launch of intercontanental balistic missles they pop up like a powered cork and come outa the water at all kinds of unsupported angles before main engine ignition and seem to be pritty reliable and making a big boom in the right spot lol