View Full Version : Road compliance laws regarding headlight units?

29-08-2010, 10:44 PM
I just bought an alienII headlight mask from the states (I know I should have asked this before buying) and am just curious to know the laws regarding these style of headlight units. I am assuming that if the bulbs are bright enough there shouldn't be a drama but I'm a little concerned about where I stand with the law in terms of how "big" the lights have to be/visibility from a distance as they are just peeking out from the eye sockets of the mask. I'm hoping these units don't cause too mch hassle in terms of night riding but then I don't do a great deal of nightriding but I'd still be curious to know in case I get pulled over by a pair of canary-waving pigs. My last bike got Fucking done over hard by the po for retarded shit like no rear reflector etc and I hate the thought of my zx10r having thousands spent on it only to have it deemed an illegal piece of shit by the laW

29-08-2010, 10:47 PM
Legally its very simple....
No 'E' mark on the lense...illegal.

30-08-2010, 12:30 AM
Feck :p do they check for these or is it possible to buy bulbs to meet this?

30-08-2010, 06:53 AM
I guess if you have decent lights and and friendly tester you'll get away with it....If they're like a faint glow in the dark and you can't see shit then probably not....
Your choice mate...I like to see where I am going at night ;)

30-08-2010, 07:31 AM
They will check the 'E' mark & from my experience it doesnt matter how bright the globes are, if it doesnt have the symbol u will not pass go or collect $200! Oh n u probably wont b able to see shit at night! lol

30-08-2010, 08:20 AM
No E mark. Just another reason for the cops to give you a ticket.

30-08-2010, 09:03 AM
Alright thanks for your help. My last bike had an acerbis headlight and I'm almost sure they wouldn't pass (they were dim as shit) and the fuzz didn't even so much as look at those when they did my bike over (but then once they got their three strikes they left)

anyone know where I can get "e" globes/ballasts?

30-08-2010, 09:15 AM
Its not so much the globe as it is the entire light unit! If the lens itself doesnt have the marking it wont matter whats inside!

30-08-2010, 09:24 AM
Also if you buy a light unit from the states the beam pattern will be the opposite way to what it should be on this side of the pond.

ie. In the states the beam patter dows like this ___.-' over here it goes like this '-.___ due to the sides of the road that we drive on.

30-08-2010, 01:27 PM
Ah feck, maybe I could change the globes around? Also by globe I meant lens, sorry. Is it possible to buy lens/entire light units somewhere that meet aid standards that will fit into the mask?
Also I'm thinking of designing some kind of rear fender/mudflap that kind of looks like those serrated levers advertosed on the front page that resemble some kind of knife with the rear retroreflector as kind of a bloodstain on the tip of the blade, to meet that compliance law but that could just be a pipedream.

30-08-2010, 01:41 PM
That should be doable. Call Ben @ Extreme Creations he used to/still does sell those kinda masks. I always thought the ones he was selling were actually 'e' marked too, cold b wrong tho!

30-08-2010, 03:24 PM
I just gave him a call and in our brief discussion he asked if they were projectors (which I don't think they are? Just 50/55w lights typical of those masked fairings from streetfightersinc/wildhairaccessories) and that I should be able to arrange to replace them with e marked lights. I emailed the dispatch awaiting reply

But thanks all for your help, I think I'll be hitting up Bikecraft to do the tricky parts for me as I don't want to fuck this project up

30-08-2010, 03:59 PM
No dramas at all mate! Now go n intro urself in the newbie section before someone realises u snuck in unannounced LOL Oh n maybe sum nice pics of the bike! We'r a very visual bunch! ;)

30-08-2010, 05:12 PM
taken care of buddy. my epic rant is now posted in newbs forum. thanks heaps :)

31-08-2010, 07:14 AM
Ok just heArd ba k... They're marked "e11"

? Acceptable?

31-08-2010, 07:37 AM
Good work! Yeh mate that should be sweet! Congrats! Thats one less headache to worry about then!

31-08-2010, 08:37 AM
Fuckin ace!! Cheers for your help! :D