View Full Version : Must of did something right???

23-08-2010, 05:39 AM
Well I think I had a little angel or something on me side yesterday, since reasembling my front and rear end on the R1, i've checked, double checked and triple checked every bolt on that thing..

All except the sprocket nuts.. :( ooops.

so after doing about 600km loop yesterday morning to Gunnedah to see me dear ol nan, I was just about to head home when I was just doing a lil walk around on nans driveway, and noticed a sprocket nut was missing and a nice scrapy/gouge out of inside of swingarm, oh bugger I say, and to my surprise the other 5 aren't even finger tight.. [:0][:0]

I didn't notice a single warning sign at all, and i could move the sprocket with my hand.. I had headphones on listening away the whole way, felt nothing and heard nothing.. [:I]

So I am rather happy I looked down and I happened to be parked in a spot that I could see the missing nut, cos I reckon in about 10kms I would have been foooocked... [B)]

Moral of the story kiddies,


or simply don't be limp wristed like me and obviously not do them up tight enough...

could have been sooo much worse, thankfully not..

the end..

23-08-2010, 07:36 AM
Or don't wear earphones so you can hear things around you....;)

23-08-2010, 09:31 AM
+1 to sharky's comments.

23-08-2010, 10:04 AM
I cant ride with earphones.
I tried it once,lasted about 2min,and pulled them out.
There's just something not right about it,feels weird.

23-08-2010, 11:22 AM
Nup loves me musac, gotta have some tunes going, I can hear my engine and exhaust, also ambo's and police sirens, you know the important stuff, but if there was a little rattley noise accompanying my loose nuts I couldnt hear that... which was kinda important though hey.. ah well lesson learnt.. insert forehead slap here..

23-08-2010, 11:25 AM
I tried riding without them at NFR'09, and rode even fuckeder than I normally do.

23-08-2010, 11:34 AM
i had somethin similar years ago...went for a 300k blast on my CB1100R..got back and looked over the bike and low and behold one of the pins had pulled out of the chain...fuckin glad it didnt break..lol

23-08-2010, 02:25 PM
I cant ride with earphones in hey! It annoys the hell outa me. not to mention i can barely hear anythin over the engine noise lol

23-08-2010, 03:14 PM
Turn the music up Lance ya fuckhead.

I have car drivers saying to me all the tim "isn't that dangerous having earphones in when you ride?" I say don't you use the radio in your car you fucking tool (sometimes I pop a Sir or Ma'am on the end of that if I'm at work).

09-09-2010, 11:58 PM
Wow lucky, that could have ended much worse....

10-09-2010, 02:10 AM
If I don't wear earphones, I have no hearing at the other end. Louder than a Motorhead gig... if I didn't wear them, I'd still not be able to hear. But you can feel the bike is different.

You is lucky Gitzy... very lucky!

10-09-2010, 02:08 PM
My ears ring really loud now days (keeps me awake some nights), I tried music ear plugs but I was just substituting one loud noise for another, so I just use the squooshy plugs and block it all out now.

Did it oval out the bolt holes at all Gitzy ??

11-09-2010, 12:15 AM
what the fuck else are you supposed to do on a ride to Gunnedah other than listen to music?????????? What's he gonna do count guide posts or dead kangaroos????????? LOL sorry Stunva but there are boring as fuck roads out in them thar hills

11-09-2010, 12:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by StuNVA

My ears ring really loud now days (keeps me awake some nights), I tried music ear plugs but I was just substituting one loud noise for another, so I just use the squooshy plugs and block it all out now.

Did it oval out the bolt holes at all Gitzy ??

I have tinnitus too Stu and find its worse at night a couple of hours after foods containing tomato. So spag bol, lasagne, pizza etc is a limited thing for me at night

11-09-2010, 07:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by StuNVA

Did it oval out the bolt holes at all Gitzy ??

Nup, It was really strange to have every bolt loose and 1 bolt missing but stuff all movement in the sprocket or any other form of destruction, ie. my skull..

and yup them roads are sooo long and boring.. Breeza has like 4 x 10km straights..

11-09-2010, 12:50 PM
yep the roads out here are fucked, it's about 100ks to anything remotely interesting, probably why there are so many bloody cruisers.

The Breeza plain has seen its fair share of single vehicle crashes, people simple get bored and fall asleep if they are not used to western roads.

11-09-2010, 12:58 PM
sounds like you were lucky the grim reaper was at the parlors gitz
coz that could of turned real nasty on you mate..

glad you spotted it budz..;)

12-09-2010, 05:37 AM
Must of did something right??? id say 'must of DONE smth right' [^] good on ya any way Todd throw away the bloody ear tampons (btw they r not allowed while ridin in the most cuntries, howbout Oz?) coz i'd luv to see u at afr'xx u big lil fella! [:p] bounce to the music at home shed or gig! http://www.asfphotos.com/upload/1258848407.gif

12-09-2010, 07:11 PM
Mate, use lock nuts, they cost fuck all

12-09-2010, 08:01 PM
Yup on the list Mozza, The nuts I used were brand spanker stainless ones from probolt.. so I'm pissed I lost one, I pulled them all off and put locktite on them all and replaced the missing one with old one. they'll hold for now I think.. But next time I'm near a bolt shop I'll get some locknuts 4 sure..

12-09-2010, 08:03 PM
Hey Hey Surt the mad man coming to AFR.. All the way from Russia, I'd love to see that mate.. :)

15-09-2010, 06:48 AM
yup yup all the way down under no worries i'll be there some day! and u? [:p]

15-09-2010, 06:52 AM
have u got the message Fitzy? thro away ur bloody ear tampons, dont tempt ur destiny or else dont fuck with ur karma, posting the pics of pretty girls and bikes aint gunna cover it! [}:)]

15-09-2010, 02:01 PM
I simply couldn't ride any distance without earplugs, the wind noise is just too smeggen loud for my ears to handle. Some helmets are better than others, but ultimately I still choose to hear, rather than go deaf from wind roar.
I am amazed they are illegal in Europe Surt, you can still hear mids and lows,and for me it is a way of conveniently avoiding the "bucket of bolts" noises my old turboed/aircooled engine makes when it gets hot.

15-09-2010, 02:05 PM
Nup message not received Surt me lad.. I neeeed me tunes.. not all the time but definitely most..

15-09-2010, 05:14 PM
I rode from Canberra to Casino in torrential rain for AFR09, if I hadn't of had my ipod on I think I would have slammed myself into a tree or an oncoming B-double on purpose. It was the only thing that kept me sane.

15-09-2010, 09:12 PM
Are we talking highway drone riding here, or getting into it in the back roads? Last thing I need when getting in to it is music, and I love music. If you're on a highway doing nothing but sitting there, then sure, I'd give it a go.

15-09-2010, 09:24 PM
Yup highway drone riding for me, I'm like Blowie, soooo boring without tunes to keep sane, But if I'm on the Putty or somewhere twisty I gotta switch it off, its very distracting I feel..

16-09-2010, 07:33 AM
I ride to different tunes in different places cruisy stuff on the highway but crank it up in the twisties I hate riding without music which has developed me a little habit of always checking my mirrors so I always see an ambo if it's behind me.

16-09-2010, 09:20 AM
That, boris, is the key IMO. It's not so much a matter of whether or not you can "hear what's going on", as it is "being aware of your surroundings". It's just a matter of developing good riding habits

18-09-2010, 02:24 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gitzy

Nup message not received Surt me lad.. I neeeed me tunes.. not all the time but definitely most..

alright then Gitz just remember fools die on friday, wat an old russian raven said :)

18-09-2010, 08:04 AM
i got ZZ Top in my Walkman for the highway stuff.