View Full Version : my idea for motorcycle awareness

17-02-2007, 09:47 PM
hi guys not many of you know me but today i'm asking for your help in the last 6 months we have lost a lost of fellow ridders to acidents , so i have done up an email that i would like to send around the world . it goes along the lines of getting people to look , ridders and drivers alike . there is also a link to the video of the riders riding naked to get people to look for riders .
this is where you come i'd like email address to start sending it to . if sent right no email addresses will be seen except the person who's forwards it . so please be a part and i will email it to you as soon as posible

17-02-2007, 09:54 PM
Yep, that's gonna make a difference, more unsolicited spam in people's mailbox.

Don't you think you're being a little niaive, thinking that poeple will get anymore than a second's titilation by seeing naked bikers?

17-02-2007, 10:27 PM
i think we should all get paintball pistols that we are allowed to use whenever someone cuts us off or does something dodgy

im gonna need LOTS of paintballs!!! :D

17-02-2007, 10:39 PM
Boots and gloves with side studs mate, long ones.

Leave you're signature down the side of the offending vehicle :D

Jockney Rebel
17-02-2007, 10:57 PM
ive always found a good pair of fox motos help ...when signin on to the offendin vehicle
seriously tho its not a question of seein us the i didnt see u mate excuse is just that, an excuse
all car drivers should be made to learn to ride a bike first before they get behind the wheel of a 2ton killin machine then theyll learn some spatial awareness
ive ridden in one of the worlds busiest cities for 20 odd years and i remember seein a guy in a VW golf hit a cop bike when he had all his lights and sirens goin if u cant see/hear that then u shouldnt be driving and drivin a car these days is like drivin whilst lookin thru a letter box when ur stereo is on at 11
too many distractions
also we re a minority in political terms thats why we get fuk all recognition from the transport bods they cant even recognise that 2 wheeled transport is not only environmentally friendly but also reduces congestion its an uphill fight tryin to get non riders to see our point of veiw
if u want to start send ur email to M.A.G. in the uk ther always up for high prolfile action
.... thats my thots anyway

17-02-2007, 11:02 PM
just make sure they hear u from 200m away!

Jockney Rebel
17-02-2007, 11:05 PM
make u right fimp there already reducin the noise emissions from exhausts in europe to 90Db and their tryin to get a bill thru to make it illegal to modify your vehicle unless u use manufacturess approved parts ..

17-02-2007, 11:08 PM
yeah, someone was telling me the other day that there are supposably all these laws and stuff

i sorta just zoned out halfway through the conversation..... :D

seriously though, rather have a fine then break my back again
it really isnt THAT fun

Jockney Rebel
17-02-2007, 11:15 PM
tru mate thank fuk all ive had is a busted arm and a fuked wrist but they let the little bastard go too busy lookin at my licence at the scene turns out he d nicked the car he hit me with

17-02-2007, 11:52 PM
My local council were allways trying to find ways of butt fucking the biking community with stuff like instructing the plod to set road side check points for bikes only amongst other terror tactics.

They soon stopped when a patition was presented to the local council signed by thousands of local bikers who the council were reminded of are also voters who vote at elections and by-elections, politics does have it's uses when applied correctly.
The hassle bikers were getting faded away after the patition was presented and the council have started to become pro bike rather than anti bike by providing motorcycle only parking areas but the cops are still a bunch of cunts tho

Jockney Rebel
18-02-2007, 09:44 AM
hi alf
i know the situation in london eased when people started using scooters to work and the amount of bike traffic in the city trebled but its things like being able to use bus lanes and stuff that they still wont allow
but isnt it strange that the people now buyin scooters are all the bods that work"in the city"who normally drive big expensive cars and live in the affulent areas of london the very same people who voted to ban us holding Moped Mayhem in battersea park these are the people the govt would take notice of unlike the rest of us unwashed lot :]

18-02-2007, 11:12 AM
Kook. I appreciate what you are doing mate and think every little bit helps, but I have to agree with Chalky. I get around 4 of those "save this", "Stop that", "Do this", "help that" chain mails everyday, and have done for years. Not one of them has changed anything and I don't even bother reading them anymore. If I don't, then I can guarantee most other won't and your energy has been wasted (plus, Australian Laws on Spam are quite tight mate and if it's traces back to you, you could be in for a fine - check it out: http://www.efa.org.au/Issues/Privacy/spam.html).
Approaching your local council with a hand written request for some kind of action from bike groups etc with statistics and stuff (which those guys love) will have more effect.

18-02-2007, 02:24 PM
I was sent the link from my local MRA.
Looked at it and thought , This is bullshit, It's hard enough to get people to wear good protective gear anyway.
This is an initiative of the NSW Motorcycle Council and they need a boot up the collective arse.
I know it is aimed at raising car drivers awareness, but it probably adds to the perception that motorcyclists are not concerned about their own safety.
Space age equipment stone age brain.
Motorists (bikes included) tend to look out for stuff that's bigger than them, so they don't always SEE motorcyclists as a danger even if they have looked RIGHT AT you.
wear the right gear and keep the skills up with some training is the best defence.

18-02-2007, 02:30 PM
Personally I think it's just a bunch of bubble-heads getting in on the current wave of sensationalist 'porn as art' crap.
The MRA has been a granny run, defunct organisation for so many years that it's not even a joke any more. It's about time it got back to core motorcycling issues rather than becoming a group of 'look at me, ain't I so wonderful and creative' tossers.

Not that I'm cynical mind :D

18-02-2007, 03:13 PM
You're probably right about the "nude is naughty" creative bit Chalk.
The politics of clubs is their weakness, local mob seem to have a good relationship with the relevant beauracrats. I'm a bit of a slackarse as far as turning up to meetings, even though I know the only way to get change is to participate.
Girls on the move http://www.girlsonthemove.com.au/ seem to be doing good things.
Believe it or not the Ulyissians have probably done more than anybody to raise awareness of motorcycling issues.
(I think they have enough spare time on their hands)

18-02-2007, 03:30 PM
Hmmm, ok Loose! hmmmmmmm
Just a little bit suss about a motorcycle forum where one of the groups is "Looking good on the bike" West Coast Choppers meets Sonny Bargers Granny meets mutton dressed as lamb maybe.
Personally the likes of Jo, BanditR1, elle and ClaireBear get a lot more respect from me, they don't need a female only site to 'feel equal', they just come on here, and on rides to prove it.
A little too much knittin' going on there for me, not that I would say such things of course. :D

18-02-2007, 03:39 PM
Can't believe how cynical you guys are


Jockney Rebel
18-02-2007, 05:10 PM
comes with age and apathy large...i say anarchy is the only way to go.....or at least i would if i was still 19 :} i think the publics perception of bikers has changed in the last 20 yrs or so when i was a spotty yoof i couldnt even get served in a pub cos i rode a bike y know "we dont servre ppl with crash helmets" to wit i replied " i dont wanna crash helmet i wanna pint mate" and was somewhat un graciously ejected from said hostelry
granted im a sarky bastard but there u go ..
i still maintain that no matter what we wore u would still get hit by cars ..its down to education ppl that drive cars exclusivly dont realise we can see over their roofs and therefore have a better veiw of current traffic situations and thats why [to them] we make manouvers that dont make sense to them also if ur sitting in a car and a bike passes close to u u only see his knees and it seems that hes right next to u even if hes 4 feet away ..its all about perception

Jockney Rebel
18-02-2007, 05:22 PM
u do have a valid point kook mate but we ve seen most things tried before and its only when our predicament impacts on a group of ppl with clout ie theres a member of parliment in the uk whose also a member of MAG[motorcyclists action group] who ve been campaigning for 25odd years for common sense when it comes to legislation[they managed to get a idea over turned that was so ridiculous as to be dangerous leg sheilds for bikes ] but that was put forward by a transport minister who openly admitted he thot we were hooligans hes the one who changed our learner law from 250 s to 12hp 125s and reduced the max power on 50s so that its impossible for them to acheive more than 36mph which makes them downright dangeruos in traffic that has an average speed of 40mph i know im taliking about britian but it does seem like your/our govt share the same ideas

18-02-2007, 07:12 PM
Yeah, we are a bit lucky in that respect.
ACT has a power to weight restriction for learners and provisionals (150kW/Tonne), which includes things like, XT/XR 600s,GS500,lots of cruisers(Most Harleys except Vsplod)but not RGV/TZR250s.
Common sense in practice, but it took some words in the right ears.
Girls on the Move does a great job in it's stated aim of being a social club, getting people into training and changing perceptions of motorcyclists.
Lots of the 17-25 learners will not keep riding but,at least they will know what a bike looks like and drive accordingly.
It's like most things, results depend on how much effort goes in.

18-02-2007, 07:28 PM
Are their lots of 17-25 yr olds in that club are their Loose? Many cute ones?

I might have to change my (public) commentary then. :D

18-02-2007, 08:04 PM

18-02-2007, 10:44 PM
Hey frankenbiker, before i left the U.K. a group of us from the west country, all mag members tried to petition the govt to bring in mandatory bike licence for a minimum of 12 moths before u are able to get a car licence, a few of them thought it was a good idea until the do-gooder civil rights brigade decided that it was ok for these fuckwits to kill bikers but it was wrong to force them to learn what it like being on two wheels,hope it works this time round

18-02-2007, 10:49 PM
Oo ar. Where abouts in the West Country were you from Pete?

18-02-2007, 11:02 PM
I am forced to pay an extra $50 on top of each of my bike regos every year for motorcycle awareness thanks to Steve Bracks and his state government. So I rekon I've done more than my bit already!

19-02-2007, 10:21 AM
Listen Kooko burra last ASF ride every body was well clothed with leathers that included every thing from
race suits/jackets/pants/draggin jeans/helmets/gloves/boots and there was not one piece of bare skin on the bikes the whole time we were riding(there was some after woods)but not while on the bikes im pretty sure every one here has a good idea about there own personal safty and from what i saw a fuckn excellent idea.There was not one accident or even a close call (was there Stu).

As for your nude rides get fucked do you really think that people riding around nude is going to help, have you ever heard "riding gear is not always going to stop you getting hurt but it will lesson the the injuries" so do you think these fuck nuckles riding around with nothing on are doing the right thing buy the bike riding ferturnity no.

mate the last thing i want to look at is a bunch of fat over wieght hairy fags riding around with nothing on to try prove a point.

Mate im sure just about every body here has lost someone to a bike accident at some stage in there life and my deepest comiserations go out to all those people but your not going to change a lifetime of old habits for all those knuckle heads driving cars because they dont give a fuck and never will.

If you want to do something try change the laws that all people getting a licence for the first time have to spend a minimum of two years on a bike before they can get a car licence that get them thinking about bikes.

As for those poor fuckers down in VIC Steve brakes is a low life piece of shit for putting in place the $50 bike levy it hasnt changed the road toll at all down there it was supposed to go into edjucating drives and riders alike on bikes.

Is it working? only at filling the pockets of those thieving fuckn pollies.

Keep your spam and your opinion on what you think is the best thing to do every one around seems to be doing alright.

the last thing we need popping up hear is arseholes trying to tell us the right thing to do we ride streetfighters
and we all seem to ride them very well so fuck off people like you piss me off.

let me guess your part of a church group trying to save the world!

19-02-2007, 01:58 PM
was based in hereford gix, but travelled all over europe, nice little quiet place, close to everything and chockas full of mad bikers

19-02-2007, 02:11 PM
Yea, I know, used to ride out there all the time. I'm from Cheltenham.

Jockney Rebel
19-02-2007, 06:14 PM
kin hell 2 more and we got enough to reform the wurzels

19-02-2007, 06:31 PM
"I am a cider drinker, i drinks it all of the day", used to sit at the old hop pole pub in hereford at the cider festival, watching the wurzels and getting absolutely twisted on old rosie, and GL, followed by a spiced rum chaser, ahhh those were the days

Jockney Rebel
19-02-2007, 11:00 PM
u ever tried that hooligan juice they call cripple cock, it cripples everthing ...

19-02-2007, 11:02 PM
Just scrumpy for me. The shit that is really cloudy and you can see a mouse float to the side of the glass now and again. We used to call it "shed" as that's what a pint did to you.

Jockney Rebel
19-02-2007, 11:13 PM
we tried it when we were doin a gig near logans rock, some hippy fest....fuck me my tongue felt like it belong to somebody else the next mornin..mind u could ve had somethin to do with the mind alterin smarties we d been chewin ...

20-02-2007, 01:12 PM
old rosie is like a scrumpy, comes in old style 2 pint glass crock, cloudy as fuck and the bottom half is all chewy apple sediment, meal in a bottle, commonly called brain fuck, another good one is tanglefoot, name says it all

20-02-2007, 03:34 PM
Tangle foot, yea, that's the one we drank! How could I forget a name like that (mind you that was 15 years ago).

Jockney Rebel
20-02-2007, 04:19 PM
should come with a govt health warning..no wonder all you west country boys are so friendly yer all pissed:}

22-02-2007, 11:48 AM
nah thjat not the reason, u just gotta live ya life on the scrump , it the only way to cope without freezin ya bollocks off at 70 mph, in the middle of december, and it makes the rest of the world look worth living in

Jockney Rebel
22-02-2007, 03:53 PM
tru pete so tru thats why im here an not there.......got fed up going to work in the dark an comin home in the dark i was turnin into a fukin vampire

22-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Back in 1989 I was down Somerset way with my rellies at a "Christmas in July" thingy in the local.

My uncle was 6'5" and at least 150kg....and I was about 80 kg...so I decided to try and match him drink for drink. Don't drink beer so started on pints of cider...and lasted about three hours.

Last thing I remember, he had fallen of his seat and three blokes were trying unsuccessfully to pick him up. Then I passed out.

My aunt, who worked at the pub reckoned I threw up on the table, in the shitter and on a horse in the back paddock :D

Fucking cider

22-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Yep. That's definitely the same shit.

22-02-2007, 06:48 PM
nice to know we all had the same kind of memories, was at a club in weston-super-mare called scally`s, mate of mine at the time was 6'8" and he weighed bout the same as a combine harvester, he decided to go and buy some cockles from the guy on the pier, while standing in the queue he thought would be a good time to pass out, was like watching a tree going over took about 8 kids with him and all we could do was try not spill our drink while laughing

22-02-2007, 09:03 PM
Mind you, that could have been the cockles at Weston-Super-Mud that did that mate.

22-02-2007, 09:06 PM
Shellfish and crook grog!
Now I do believe all the stories about crap food in England.
You'd have to grow up on reheated fish and chips to handle that.

Jockney Rebel
22-02-2007, 11:27 PM
round our way it was jellied eels and pie and mash[nah wot ah meen mate] with this disgusting green slime cockneys call liqor,
an fukin rock salmon{dogfish to you an me]mix that with a few pints of watneys red barrel or a party seven an its goodnight vienna[xx(]
ull be callin down the celestial telephone to ur mates ralf an hughie:D

23-02-2007, 01:36 AM
There is this pub in amshire (hampshire) here in the <s>y</s>uk called no name and they do a brew called no name it is a dark golden brown real ale and they only sold it in half pint glasses.
So of course being blokes we had to have pints we were clever see we bought two halfs each anyway after only acouple of pints each things started going south and stupid real quick.
As usual the next day was confirmed that fuckin gorrila had shit in every ones gob again never have caught that gorrila :D

23-02-2007, 03:17 AM
I kinda just walked in on this post...nude riding, cocks, hairy fags? [?] I'm just gonna leave now. I don't want to know.

23-02-2007, 04:33 AM
Motorcycle awareness to cider drinking ale fueled frolics nice to see somethings dont change yeah