View Full Version : ASF Stickers

14-02-2007, 04:33 PM
I never seem to get time to take a decent photo and I've had these things for a week now so you'll have to do with these phone photos for now. I have in my grubby hands a 200 ASF stickers. They are 3 colour (blue/white/silver) and printed on clear vinyl with a high quality printer. Each sticker has a few mm cut mask around it so the clear is only around the actualy shape of the design and not just a big rectangle which would look shit on a bike.

As written by our resident sticker master (Foxy), here's the low down:

"These stickers are thermally printed on 7 year avery series 900 clear vinyl (print life 3 - 7 years depending on conditions) if ppl want them to last they can clear coat over the top and the print will last indefinitely."

They are really sharp and bold, and look great, but these photos do them no justice.........



Foxy recommends I charge around $4.50 per sticker. I'll bring them with me to the AFR but does anyone want one now for anything? They are microns thin so they could be added to any paint job you may be doing without making any ridge under the clear coat.

Let me know.

14-02-2007, 05:30 PM
WOW [:0] ASF really DOES have stickers. [:o)]
Lets see.... toolbox, esky, fridge, helmet, bike......
I'll take 1/2 a dozen thanx Gix, I'll stick the $$ in the ASF account tonight.

14-02-2007, 06:08 PM
Is a poaint job more expensive than a paint job[?]:D

papa smurf
14-02-2007, 07:36 PM
Hey Si, bring some up to the shootout if ya coming & i'll take some off your hands.[8D]

14-02-2007, 08:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by turbokat

WOW [:0] ASF really DOES have stickers. [:o)]
Lets see.... toolbox, esky, fridge, helmet, bike......
I'll take 1/2 a dozen thanx Gix, I'll stick the $$ in the ASF account tonight.
Ofcourse ASF have stickers Tubbykat, we are not nearanderthals you know. (yeah i know its spelt wong)

14-02-2007, 09:14 PM
Oz is a Nerangdathal.

I'll take a few, si.

14-02-2007, 09:18 PM
quote:Originally posted by hooligan

Oz is a Nerangdathal.

I'll take a few, si.
No Chris, the correct term is a Nerangatang. ;)

14-02-2007, 09:28 PM
Oops, my mistake:D.

14-02-2007, 10:03 PM
Right then How much for 100 of them including packing and shipping to Adelaide Si

Yep I got lots of things to stick em to

15-02-2007, 06:34 AM
Can I have 3? Does the price include postage?


15-02-2007, 01:23 PM
I didn't go as far as thinking about posatge. I leave my brain in the ute some days. I'm pretty sure postage will be the standard $1.50 if I stick them in a DL envelope. If the guys that want some can email me the amount they want I'll sort them out and of course do a deal on bulk. Cheers guys.