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View Full Version : Short people/ vertically challenged ones

20-07-2010, 05:37 PM
Where I have worked for the past 11yrs we have over 300 employees in my depot. Most of the blokes are pretty laid back and get on and are pretty quiet and aren't full of themselves EXCEPT for the shortarses that have come and gone. What the fuck is it with the midgets that need to be better than everyone else, done everything more than everyone else and achieved higher levels of "mega-awesomeness"?!?!?! The latest couple of "super people" must have been around since the dawn of time! hey speak so much shit they are now the jokes of the station. One claims to have been in a helicopter, the pilot had a heart attack, he took the controls and landed safely. He walked in on a mate and I talking about rifles of different calibres we have owned over the years and classes we shot at SSAA clubs and starts telling us about going to his mates place, getting a "50 cal", walking onto the verandah and shooting a horse because he could, is an awesome shot, got woken by a rooster crowing so went outside with his 243 at 6am and shot its head off, got headless rooster, took it inside and threw it to the missus and said "cook this", had a neighbour he didn't like, so he fucked his wife, had a mates place that was in the bottom af a dam that was being built, when completed it filled up quickly. A while later he went diving into the house and there was a a loaf of bread still on the kitche table!

One thing that all these little people all have in common is that they are great fighters and will "punch people out" at the drop of a hat. Seriously, do these fuckwits think we believe their shit? Is it a build up of crankines because they are not tall enough to use the rides at the local side shows?? One of them is always having trouble with the local police(cause they pick on him for having modded cars....stock early falcon ute haha) but forgot to mention he drives like a dickhead. Even one of his relations that is a cop arrested him a while back. There is more, but my two fingers I type with are fatigued:D.

Does anyone else notice this about a lot of vertically challenged people? I realise not all are like this, but a hell of a lot are, and the seem to stick out.


20-07-2010, 05:53 PM
It's called little man syndrome.

They're only pissed off cos they can't get to the stuff on the top shelf [:P]

20-07-2010, 05:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by Elapid

Is it a build up of crankines because they are not tall enough to use the rides at the local side shows??


20-07-2010, 06:24 PM
maybe its cos i kick them too much

Tony OW31
20-07-2010, 06:56 PM
Its all because they're not happy.

20-07-2010, 07:08 PM
I'm hearing 'ya!

20-07-2010, 07:12 PM
Streetfighters have seats to high up for them.

20-07-2010, 07:17 PM
quote:Its all because they're not happy.

Yes...sadly this used to be true.[V]

But now I'm fucking a bird who is shorter than me [^] she's like 30 goin on 13..tis like committing a crime every time [:p]

20-07-2010, 07:31 PM
Just watch out for jockeys, they are a nasty bunch too, maybe it's cause everyone laughs at their silk pyjamas.

20-07-2010, 07:45 PM
come on Rod u don't find the girl one's a little sexy come on fess up to your brothers here I'm sure you don't kick the girl one's

20-07-2010, 08:15 PM
i suffer from PORG , people of restricted growth and im proud of it , the air is cleaner down here anyhow

20-07-2010, 09:25 PM
And there's no such thing as a tall wanker?
Looking at you, elapid.

20-07-2010, 09:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by hyofighter

i suffer from PORG , people of restricted growth and im proud of it , the air is cleaner down here anyhow

Cleaner?!?!? Thats where all my farts end up! [:p]

20-07-2010, 10:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

Streetfighters have seats to high up for them.


seriously though, my cockhead ex-boss actaully had a STEP installed on his stupidly overcompensating fourbie LOLOLOLOLOLOL

lol <---- little lol

20-07-2010, 10:33 PM
can u send them out to your "rat cage" out the back and see how tough they are Kris???????? lol

20-07-2010, 10:40 PM
Im over 6foot,and the only people ive ever had a problem with is little fellas.
Alot of them seem to always have something to prove.
Either they are better than you,or they want to have a go,and prove how big a man they are in there little body!!!!
I don't have time for the shit,i just want to go out and have fun,so i just take the piss,and just laugh them down.
I've got nothing against short people,just the short ones with this attitude.
A good mate of mine,was a little fella,and he could go alright,but the worst thing was,every single night we went out,he had to try and prove it.It always seemed to spoil a good nite out.
You could get away with this shit 10yrs ago,but now with all the knives and glassings going on,(not to mention the pack mentality of some of our new australians)its not worth the risk,just keep to yourself,no matter how little the cunt is,coz he probably has 30 cousins in there to back him up!!!

21-07-2010, 12:09 AM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

Streetfighters have seats to high up for them.

that's a harsh truth! I'm 5'5 and can just about touch the floor with my big daytonas on.

tis called little man syndrome... watch out for lil dudes, they are hard bastards - look at Chris Benoit (before he went nuts). They try harder in bed too ;)

21-07-2010, 01:12 AM
hahaha noice depicted midgets Elapid! [8D] wats ur own lenght btw? [:p]

21-07-2010, 08:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by StuNVA

quote:Originally posted by Elapid

Is it a build up of crankines because they are not tall enough to use the rides at the local side shows??


I thought it was coz they were just tall enuf to BE the rides at the local side shows! :D

21-07-2010, 08:18 AM
I know this guy who was in the Army and he was the best shot in the world but he got out because he found out that he was also the best motorcycle painter in the world, he went to Asia for a while where he became a Ninja but he was still the best shot in the world and he showed everyone and they were amazed. Because of his Ninja training he once got hit on a motorcycle, as he was flying through the air he pulled the guy driving the car out of his Torana, did 20 back flips whilst punching the guy senseless and then landed on his Ninja feet with the dudes head in one hand and his torso in the other. Once this guy was riding a dirt bike and his Ninja powers transferred to the actual bike because he had a highside but the bike just stood upright whilst he did a flying spinning Ninja escape. Once this guy rode around on his motorcycle with no helmet on and drove his car around even though he didn't have a licence and the police rang him to tell him how awesome he is, when the police rang him they all got preganant.

21-07-2010, 08:30 AM
Anyone we know, Jacktar?
Just seen the ads ( shorts? ) for 'Hey Hey, It's Saturday' on TV.
Apparently they had some tranny midgets on 'Red Faces' last week.
Funny thing is, for some reason Banditrod sprung to mind.

rock hard
21-07-2010, 08:53 AM
Hey Kris,your absolutly right about short mans syndrome,But i think that in everybodys workplace there is always a BULLSHIT ARTIST,for the life of me i cant understand why their Stories seem to be out of a hollywood fiction script,the sad part is that they believe it themselves,just fuckin take the piss out of them.its good fun,thats what the "MATE THATS NOTHIN" line started .it was a guy that no matter what anyone would be saying he would start with "mate thats nothing a mate of mine..blah blah...Bullshit artists come in all sizes..

21-07-2010, 09:12 AM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

I know this guy who was in the Army and he was the best shot in the world but he got out because he found out that he was also the best motorcycle painter in the world, he went to Asia for a while where he became a Ninja but he was still the best shot in the world and he showed everyone and they were amazed. Because of his Ninja training he once got hit on a motorcycle, as he was flying through the air he pulled the guy driving the car out of his Torana, did 20 back flips whilst punching the guy senseless and then landed on his Ninja feet with the dudes head in one hand and his torso in the other. Once this guy was riding a dirt bike and his Ninja powers transferred to the actual bike because he had a highside but the bike just stood upright whilst he did a flying spinning Ninja escape. Once this guy rode around on his motorcycle with no helmet on and drove his car around even though he didn't have a licence and the police rang him to tell him how awesome he is, when the police rang him they all got preganant.

fucking LOL

21-07-2010, 09:27 AM
Surt and Livewire, I'm a 6'1" wanker, I'm pretty awesome, I just don't tell everyone hahaha

Boris, the cage is gone now.

Like I said, not all short blokes are dickheads, but just lately there seems to be quite a few where I work competing for the "Awesomest to the Power of More Awesomer Award" and thought it might be an interesting topic. We had a bloke that was pretty bloody tall here a while ago that was the Queens bodyguard, was asked to be a wildcard enrty at Phillip Island a few years ago and thout his headlight was blown on his zx12r or whatever it was was blown, then realised he had been wheelstanding for 30 odd kms....he was pretty awesome, he'd tell you all about it!

Jacktar, that was fucking awesome.

21-07-2010, 12:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by Elapid

Surt and Livewire, I'm a 6'1" wanker, I'm pretty awesome, I just don't tell everyone hahaha

just about my own 'lenght' - 188cm (fuck converting to ft and inch [8D]) yup we had such a 'petite' bull shit seller 7-8ms ago at my work, everyone's still remembering him with laughing! :D we converted his name to Nicola on french manner cos of his big mouth :) yup he'd been everywhere and saved the world, known it all, he worked with us just 1 mo and like i said we still laugh at his rap... once he asked me wats the english wheel and how it worked - i just built it - then declared that he had already worked on it and could of give me a coupla advice but had no time to, took and cut my old cowboy boot to research and start 'shoe making business', offered me to make a plasticine model for my bike mask, never made, organized a foot ball team than never met up at the field and so on and on... then he just quit outta sudden saying its to boring there! hahaha!... no one got pregnant of him though [}:)]

21-07-2010, 03:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by DaveK5

quote:Its all because they're not happy.

Yes...sadly this used to be true.[V]

But now I'm fucking a bird who is shorter than me [^] she's like 30 goin on 13..tis like committing a crime every time [:p]

I heard once that big blokes get with tiny chicks so their cock looks bigger.... Dont know how true it is ;)

21-07-2010, 03:40 PM
We got one round here that can't help himself. If you had a black cat; he had a panther.

Factory RGV250 with a 240 rear tyre that made 140 hp.

Jumped his YZ125 80 metres.

Outran every copper in history.

Has punched out every well-known knuckleman in every pub in Penriff.

We call him 'Yeahbut' cos that's what he says every time we call him on his bullshit.

21-07-2010, 05:33 PM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

I know this guy who was in the Army and he was the best shot in the world but he got out because he found out that he was also the best motorcycle painter in the world, he went to Asia for a while where he became a Ninja but he was still the best shot in the world and he showed everyone and they were amazed. Because of his Ninja training he once got hit on a motorcycle, as he was flying through the air he pulled the guy driving the car out of his Torana, did 20 back flips whilst punching the guy senseless and then landed on his Ninja feet with the dudes head in one hand and his torso in the other. Once this guy was riding a dirt bike and his Ninja powers transferred to the actual bike because he had a highside but the bike just stood upright whilst he did a flying spinning Ninja escape. Once this guy rode around on his motorcycle with no helmet on and drove his car around even though he didn't have a licence and the police rang him to tell him how awesome he is, when the police rang him they all got preganant.
hey ever thought bout being a polly you make a great BULLSHITTER ,lol

21-07-2010, 05:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by boris

come on Rod u don't find the girl one's a little sexy come on fess up to your brothers here I'm sure you don't kick the girl one's
i kick all

21-07-2010, 05:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by livewire

Anyone we know, Jacktar?
Just seen the ads ( shorts? ) for 'Hey Hey, It's Saturday' on TV.
Apparently they had some tranny midgets on 'Red Faces' last week.
Funny thing is, for some reason Banditrod sprung to mind.
funny you say that cos i got about a dozen texts and a couple of phone calls to tell me to turn on the telly lol

rock hard
21-07-2010, 05:49 PM
JACKTAR FOR PM yes folks you heard it here first.....

21-07-2010, 05:53 PM
oh hell no ........poofs start lining up at the alters ....that would be the headlines in the papers if he won

21-07-2010, 06:35 PM
ever noticed when u go to the circus they only have those mirrors
that make u look taller or skinner?
must be hard to keep fooling the midgets there really 6ft tall..

whats up bloke cant grab the rope? im sorry i was just fucking with you
and lifting it every time you tried to grab it

21-07-2010, 07:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by revheadpete

quote:Originally posted by JackTar

I know this guy who was in the Army and he was the best shot in the world but he got out because he found out that he was also the best motorcycle painter in the world, he went to Asia for a while where he became a Ninja but he was still the best shot in the world and he showed everyone and they were amazed. Because of his Ninja training he once got hit on a motorcycle, as he was flying through the air he pulled the guy driving the car out of his Torana, did 20 back flips whilst punching the guy senseless and then landed on his Ninja feet with the dudes head in one hand and his torso in the other. Once this guy was riding a dirt bike and his Ninja powers transferred to the actual bike because he had a highside but the bike just stood upright whilst he did a flying spinning Ninja escape. Once this guy rode around on his motorcycle with no helmet on and drove his car around even though he didn't have a licence and the police rang him to tell him how awesome he is, when the police rang him they all got preganant.
hey ever thought bout being a polly you make a great BULLSHITTER ,lol

I'm sure I have read all that stuff in Blowies post elsewhere.

rock hard
22-07-2010, 08:53 AM

22-07-2010, 09:00 AM

el sammo
22-07-2010, 06:52 PM
just move OS if youre worried about being short hahahaa im about 180cm but tall for china LOL only weird thing is everyone wants to look at youre wang when you have a piss, makes me nervous sometimes and i cant piss then i get nervous about not pissing its a viscous circle haha

23-07-2010, 11:31 AM
Just don't move to Germany! They are big fuckers over there! I'm 6'4" and I was about average height!

23-07-2010, 12:18 PM

25-07-2010, 07:57 PM
why did god create the "street fighter bike "???

to keep midgets from riding them!!!!!