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View Full Version : Gotta love Queensland........ WTF

16-06-2010, 11:50 AM

16-06-2010, 11:54 AM
Well thats fucked if u ask me!

16-06-2010, 11:59 AM

16-06-2010, 12:38 PM

16-06-2010, 12:58 PM
Fuck shit bitch cunt cock asshole. Theres $600 lost already. :)

16-06-2010, 01:31 PM
having a piss is 300 ... but find me a public toilet thats open at night....and that isnt full of guys sucking each other off

Fucking nanny state run by a cunt

16-06-2010, 04:56 PM
I don't give a fuck what most people do, when it's in the appropriate time/place.

What I can't understand is the fact that the police should even have to enforce basic manners in public places.

16-06-2010, 05:13 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jup

I don't give a fuck what most people do, when it's in the appropriate time/place.

What I can't understand is the fact that the police should even have to enforce basic manners in public places.

Spot on mate, it is bullshit, I swore like a trooper when I was a teenager as I do now but I didn't do it in public then and sure as hell don't now.

I was walking behind three young blokes who were walking behind two old girls and beside a family and the amount of fucks and cunts that came out of their mouths was disgusting. Needless to say I showed them the error of their ways.

16-06-2010, 06:31 PM
Those families and old girls swear like muthafucking cunts eh, those poor young blokes musta been hating the abuse...good onya barrel boy

16-06-2010, 06:31 PM
I remember when I was a young lad I dropped the F bomb in front of my mother and as quick as a flash my Dad back handed me and told me never swear in front of a lady... That code he installed has stuck with me forever.

16-06-2010, 06:39 PM
It's the "Don't smack your children" brigade that are responsible for fucking this generation right royally IMHO.

Little Johnny chucking a force 5 tanty in the shopping centre doesn't need to hear "now now precious, that's not nice", he needs a clip behind the ear.

So to keep it on topic: The police shouldn't be out enforcing polite behaviour in the streets, but then again, they should have stayed the hell out of interfering with good old fashioned parenting when they had the chance.

16-06-2010, 08:26 PM
when i'm at the shop's with the misses kids and there fuckin around i say you better stop that or i'll smash your nose thru the other side of ya head and i have these fuckin moden aged cunts tryin to call the pigs. What the fuck's going on........

16-06-2010, 08:32 PM
when i'm at the shop's with the misses kids and there fuckin around i say you better stop that or i'll smash your nose thru the other side of ya head and i have these fuckin moden aged cunts tryin to call the pigs. What the fuck's going on........

16-06-2010, 09:12 PM
so will footy player be fined when they swear? When it gets on TV when it is heard on the sidelines?Its in public and why should there be one rule for some?

I also remember a court case where a female officer complained (sued whatever) about the way the other officers swore around a station, it was dismissed by the judge as it had become part of society and therfor part of the police force vocabulary.... Might make for an interesting challenge as most of the words are now in our dictionaries and widely accepted in movies tv shows etc

16-06-2010, 10:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jup

It's the "Don't smack your children" brigade that are responsible for fucking this generation right royally IMHO.

Little Johnny chucking a force 5 tanty in the shopping centre doesn't need to hear "now now precious, that's not nice", he needs a clip behind the ear.

Afuckingmen to that brother, it's simple human nature that children constantly test you to see what they can get away with.
If a kid knows that his actions/behaviour will have no consequences, of course he/she is going to be a little shit - I know I would've been if I thought I could get away with it.
The real science is to not need to resort to a belting, a switched on parent will be able to control their kids with just a look or a certain tone of voice - my old man had it down pat & that's why I became the fine upstanding <s>law abiding</s> citizen I am today.

16-06-2010, 11:15 PM
Thats it Turbo , My son is 10 and we go into the shopping centres he watches kids his age fuck up and he just looks at me and shakes his head lol. None of this Dad can i have shit , he knows the deal. Relax enjoy and on occasion the good shit just turns up, carrie on like those other fuckers and just get yelled at haha.

I realy don't understand Adults saying there kids are fuckups etc , as there the ones to blame they raised em lol

16-06-2010, 11:46 PM
Some of my best work comes directly from the Lads in Blue,and i've won multiple/consecutive ASF awards for tellin it how it is.But there is a time and place for everything,i dont appreciate loud mouth Youth carrying on like complete fuckwits in public,trying to impress their mates by how loud they swear in front of the older Generations,as that is just blatent dis-respect.I swear around my kids [19,15,12] but they know when and where its ok to swear around me.Last time i had to deal with smart arse youths i just grabbed the biggest bloke in a Flathead grip,he pissed his pants,litterally,and all his mates did the bolt.I met that bloke a few years later at my Daughters high school graduation and he was very respectful,not only to me,but every elder there.I figured he had learnt from his experience and he turned out to be a good Aussie bloke who knew when and where it was ok to swear.I work with a Black fella,top bloke and i have massive respect for him,i can call him anything i want,and he will give it straight back to me.If some random gives him any racist remark, he will flatten them in a second.Being a swearing Aussie is not about being a Loudmouth wanker,its about knowing where and when is the appropriate time and how its delivered,as to how that person will take it.
CUNT is a powerful word.Most blokes i work around use it daily..."ows it goin Cunt"..."its a Cunt hair too big"..."Well fuck my Cunt".This is a commonly used term amongst the Aussie Male species,but is usually found offensive by thou Female counterparts,for obvious reasons.Yet Cock..."ows its goin Cock"...is far less offensive.
I guess what i'm gettin at is there is a time and place,yet todays society of Gen Y wankers seem to have no idea why or even when,so i can understand why this new law is set for implication and i dont disagree with it for that reason,although i doubt it will be an issue for anyone unless you frequent night club or general public precincts and have a tendancy of making a loudmouth cunt of yourself towards fragile religeous type public or Police.
Just My 10 cents.
I probly sound like a hipocrit considering my history of comments on this site,but i actually have high public relations standards as i deal with an average of at least 30 customers per day in my profession,and can almost always judge their caracter before they have even spoken to me.
And i'm still waitin for Trish to show us the lips her mothers never kissed?

17-06-2010, 02:02 AM
I swear worse than most but these little fuckin 12yo american gangster faggots with their shit hair cuts and shirts that look like they cut their mums PJ's up. are the start of the generation of useless feeders, the direct result of this poltical bullshit about not being able to discipline your kid - WELL - here is the deal.

I will smack my kid where and when I see fit - cause I'm not a fuckin idiot and there will most likely be a good reason for it. We only fucked up once as kids, and my mother was pure evil when it came to discipline cause she even made us go find what she was going to hit us with! haha. why the fuck I never just threw it up on the roof.. I dunno.. thats like going to get the bullets from the armoury for the firing squad - total head fuck.

Anyway, some smarmy cunt comes and says "you can't hit your kid, I'm calling the cops" I'll slap that nosey fuck in the head a few times and make it worth their while.

17-06-2010, 05:00 AM
Australia gods country, thank fuck I aint a bible basher.
Every day I hear of stupid social laws and traffic laws being introduced or proposed in oz. Its all to do with one thing and that is to steal more cash out of ya pockets. Quotes such as revenue will double and on the spot fines.
Australia is getting fucked up by wankers.

17-06-2010, 05:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo
I probly sound like a hipocrit considering my history of comments on this site,but i actually have high public relations standards as i deal with an average of at least 30 customers per day in my profession,and can almost always judge their caracter before they have even spoken to me.
And i'm still waitin for Trish to show us the lips her mothers never kissed?

See? That's just it mate. On this forum it is expected that people will speak their minds without (for the most part) restriction. There is no hypocrisy.

Nobody would expect to get away with these antics here in a shopping centre full of kids and old folk, unless they were complete fools.

17-06-2010, 08:15 AM
ive said it b4,australia is,controlled by fucker that know nothing

19-06-2010, 09:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Australia gods country, thank fuck I aint a bible basher.
Every day I hear of stupid social laws and traffic laws being introduced or proposed in oz. Its all to do with one thing and that is to steal more cash out of ya pockets. Quotes such as revenue will double and on the spot fines.
Australia is getting fucked up by wankers.

yeah I read this shit a while back, and was reminded of it this week down in NSW, that some fuck head thinks they can give you an on the spot fine for leaving your car unlocked or the keys in it - now if that doesn't prove, that the only thing the cops dishing this shit out for, is to protect the interests of the insurance companies (if they know it or not), I dunno what will.

THEN tonight I'm watching a doco on the Isle of Man. and that they pay only 10% income tax, businesses pay nothing - and everyone is happy?!?!?! - guess where the fuck I wan't to move to.
Adding this rego increase, and tax increase shit - its gonna be a wonder anyone can stay on top of the bills in the next few years.

19-06-2010, 09:56 PM
In a Townsville Court a few years ago (I forget the case but will post it if I remember) a precedent was set by a Beak who said "The only word offensive in todays society is Cunt". Calling a Policeman (or woman) a cocksucker, fuckhead etc etc is not offensive and is simply part of their job they have to learn to deal with.

In short he told them to harden up. Ergo, any fine issued for swearing in public can be beaten in court using the aforementioned precedent unless you use the word Cunt.

The thing is average Joe Public wouldn't know this and will hand Anna Blight $100 of his hard earned (or not so if he's a dole bludging bogan) without question.

People in todays society really are sheep...

Tony OW31
20-06-2010, 07:49 AM
Laws like this are so open to abuse it's not funny, how many fines will be issued just cos the cop doesn't like you? you called me a cunt says the cop, his word against yours, who's the magistrate going to believe?

20-06-2010, 08:29 AM
You say to the cop "Am I allowed to call you a cunt?"

He says "no"

You say "Am I allowed to think you're a cunt?"

He says "I don't care what you think"

You say "I think you're a cunt!"

no problem!

20-06-2010, 08:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Australia gods country, thank fuck I aint a bible basher.
Every day I hear of stupid social laws and traffic laws being introduced or proposed in oz. Its all to do with one thing and that is to steal more cash out of ya pockets. Quotes such as revenue will double and on the spot fines.
Australia is getting fucked up by wankers.

Alfie, I know your stay here wasn't positive for you, but everything you complain about Australia is happening in the UK too...unless MDM is bullshitting in his editorials in Streetfighters.:)

20-06-2010, 08:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

Laws like this are so open to abuse it's not funny, how many fines will be issued just cos the cop doesn't like you? you called me a cunt says the cop, his word against yours, who's the magistrate going to believe?

The simplest way to defend yourself against this is to enquire as to whether or not they are recording the interaction between you. They must tell you if they are and if they aren't you have the right to request they do it. If you request they do it they must. I've only been asked once why and my reply was - it protects you and me from allegations as to what was said later. The other option is to carry your own recorder ($100 at dick smiths gets a good quality one) and inform the officer (not required by law) you are recording the interraction between you on it. It's amazing how their demeanour changes when faced with a recording by the alleged infringer.

20-06-2010, 06:11 PM
pussy fucker dickwad cuntlicker fuckoff dickhead anna fucking dumbshit female bligh ..
there fine me ya bitch and ill tell you what to do with ur fine

21-06-2010, 12:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

Laws like this are so open to abuse it's not funny, how many fines will be issued just cos the cop doesn't like you? you called me a cunt says the cop, his word against yours, who's the magistrate going to believe?

The simplest way to defend yourself against this is to enquire as to whether or not they are recording the interaction between you. They must tell you if they are and if they aren't you have the right to request they do it. If you request they do it they must. I've only been asked once why and my reply was - it protects you and me from allegations as to what was said later. The other option is to carry your own recorder ($100 at dick smiths gets a good quality one) and inform the officer (not required by law) you are recording the interraction between you on it. It's amazing how their demeanour changes when faced with a recording by the alleged infringer.

I have recorded my last 3 "interactions" with police using my phone. video or audio. but I don't tell them and I don't have to.
should hear some of the shit they go on with when they think they can get away with it.
and how nasty they get when if they threaten you "with the book" you make em GO by the book, every detail of anything they say. caught a few out when they threatened me with some shit, and I asked what law or legislation, what section etc - cause they know they arent allowed to "enforce" something if they have no idea what it is.
most other times the locals are pretty good. helpful even. totally different to the pricks in the major shit holes (city, gold cost etc)

21-06-2010, 10:37 AM
The last few times I have been pulled over they have informed me straight away that everything we do and say is being recorded and pointed out the device in the windscreen, even to the point where one bloke asked me to move into a better spot for the video.