Originally posted by CBRRRT
This is how I clutch it up.
It’s a 3, 2, 1, method and it all starts on the sofa so you don’t even need a bike at this stage.
You need to practise 3, 2, 1,
3 pull in the clutch, 2 shut the throttle, 1 push down on the rear break to compress the front end. (3 actions)
2 open the throttle, 1 lift your right foot. (Try to imagine your right hand rolling back and your right foot lifting at the front, like a puppet on a string) (2 actions)
1 flick out the clutch. (Don’t release it, just flick it. this is easier to do if you pull it in with just one finger) (1 action)
So sit on your sofa and practice the 3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,……….
Now all the above needs to be nice and fluid and take place within 3, 2, 1 seconds. Try it 3, 2, 1,
OK mastered that, time to move on.
Get on your bike and sit in neutral and roll the throttle from off to 5,000 rpm and try to remember roughly what position your hand is at. Now its not super critical that you hit 5grand every time but as close to it as you can. Sit on your bike for a while just rolling the throttle on and off 5,000 up and off 5,000 up and off. You are just trying to lock in where your right hand is in your head.
Now with your left hand pull in the clutch, 1 finger is good 2 is fine but no more, Why? Always keep 2 fingers locked on to the grip to keep control when the front starts to lift.
Now try to refer this back to the 3 of the 3, 2, 1, and put your bike in 1st gear, set off and get up to about 15 mph and roll along at this speed.
Take lots of deep breaths and calm yourself down, that front has to come up a long way before you flip it and it aint gonna happen, so calm down, and breath.
There is going to be lots of noise, a bit to think about, and the front end is gonna come up. Lots happening at the same time but when you have done it a few times you wont be quite so worried about the whole thing. Breath and try to stay calm.
When you use this method the revs will fade if you don’t roll the throttle on the faster you go so the bike will come down slowly on its own, if you don’t gently give it more right hand, so don’t panic and shut the throttle right off and slam the front down.
Not good.
3 (pull in the clutch, roll off the throttle and push down on the rear break all at the same time) 3 operations
2 (roll back the throttle and lift your foot off the rear break. When you do this your right hand should go to the 5,000 rpm mark you have in your head) 2 operations
1 (flick out the clutch.) 1 operation
3, 2, 1…………….3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1.
The front end should come up
At this stage let it fade, and get used to the feeling of it coming up. Practice this for a week or so until you are comfortable with the whole thing. Don’t run before you can walk and take it slowly slowly slowly.
When you are confident with this and it feel second nature its time to just tweak the throttle to keep up the front end. Ideally your bars should be on the sight line between your eyes and the horizon (Eyes………Bars………….Horizon)
Remember this aint gonna happen over night and you need to practice practice practice.
If you are happy at this stage and you have the front coming up nicely in the air and you have your head sorted, try going back to the start and when you do your 3, 2, 1, as the front end comes up flick it into second gear, but don’t touch the clutch. A quick lift (Flick) of your left foot and your in. Tweak the throttle to keep it there and you are away.
So there you have it there is no reason why you cant get stuck in right away and practice the 3, 2, 1, on your sofa, so come on……………3, 2, 1.