I have a few acres at Hollisdale NSW. (Google Calara Lane Hollisdale)
It's pretty close to the start/end of the Oxley
Ben wants to meet Si up there to propose to him or something.
Anyone else interested in coming up/down for the weekend?
If you want to bring trailies we could go to my place and learn backflips and have a big fire and camp in the shed Sat night
Or if you want to make a ride of it do the Oxley and meet at mine sat arvo for alcohol and food and fire. (They've dropped the speed limit on the Oxley)
I'm prolly staying the whole week, so you're welcome to stay Sunday night as well.
I have a biggish shed so you'll need a blow up matress/fartbag/booze drugs etc.
If you're riding, I could pick up preordered booze on Sat Morning.
Also- If anyone is interested and wants to throw in 20$ we could have a fireworks show... with proper fireworks.
Let me know what you think.