Ok so dan can't make Easter, any interest in keeping this date or am I better shifting
it to something not as close to afr and holidays?
Ok so dan can't make Easter, any interest in keeping this date or am I better shifting
it to something not as close to afr and holidays?
I'm easy
I can make after easter. Whens dan coming down?
Ladies and Gentelmen, take my advise. "Pull down your pants and slide on the ice."
My vote is leave it till Dan comes down, even if it's 6 months away, That way it can all happen when it's meant to
Terry is the man when it comes to this kind of shit Lynton; trust me.
Righto boys and girls.... dan needs to pick his van up, you know the one he sold
to Jim and now has brought back lol
So it's looking like possibly this coming weekend he will be done at mine.
Just seeing if people be interested in a night out in my shed, if not dan and I can get
drunk alone lol
If I drive up, cam I leave a 1100 motor in a corner somewhere? Until I get the rest of bike up to you????
Wait... do you have internet?
Yes.... streaming services are back online lol
Saturday you say? I'll pop in for one or two
Ladies and Gentelmen, take my advise. "Pull down your pants and slide on the ice."
Any of the Gold coast lads prepared to travel? 80Km?
I think we should be able to swing past later on in the night for a few
So, any update on this? Still happened boys?
yer jules still on.... looks like dan,maybe bob, rod, ben, shane and Jason..... no one else has put their hand up as yet
was thinking Bunnings style snags on bread with onions lol