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Thread: where did you go

  1. #1

    where did you go

    J7/11 got back from the stunts (wheelstands)on track and you had gone

  2. #2
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hobart, Tas, Australia.
    Sorry mate! The gf called (she is away) and then the next session Kali7 did the unintentional 12 o'clock (she's ok by the way, and the bike isn't too bad for one that did a couple of cartwheels!). A mate rocked up from Canberra and I was chatting to him, then the dude I was with wanted to get into the city and buy some Vinyl (ecords that is, not the material) so we did the bolt!

    Good to meet you though, even though we didn't get to chat much, great seeing you out there getting the front wheel up too ;o)

    Can't wait until my bike is built and I can get out there and get some harcore wheelie action into me!

  3. #3
    figured I'd give it a gowill be at the next one need all the practice and pointers I can get[:I] hopfully will have a fighter soon still trying to convince my mate (99 crb 900) that he needs to sell me his bike then I can strip and regear it for stunt'n and not have to worry about onroad performace as much .I think I fu(ked my clutch today had trouble lift'n it the later sessions my it just started over heat'n will see what happens over the next week

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